Originally Posted by -Cyri- View Post
Picking and choosing is a good choice of words considering that's what most christians do.

Which undermines the legitimacy of the religion.

You aren't /supposed/ to pick and choose.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
You aren't trying to convince him homosexuality is fine, you are trying to convince him that his religion is wrong.

No, those two are not identical. One, I could argue that there is no such thing as a "right" religion, because religion is based on faith, and faith requires that there is no right or wrong answers, only faith that the answer you chose is right, but that's defeating the purpose of both not being identical.

Two, because one passage from a book is no longer considered "right" does not mean that the entire religion based on that book is wrong unless that passage is a core tenement of that religion. Which it isn't.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
I'm not sure the rest of the world has this concept. Everyone's used to USA firing some guy over a twitter comment, despite him being able to fulfill his job because "it doesn't fit the company image". But be aware that to everyone else this is insane.

I like that it was fairly implicit that a southern Christian wouldn't approve of homosexuality, yet when he actually said "It doesn't appeal to me, but I still respect them" they got all up in arms.

If your job is to stand around a look pretty, and you go and gorge yourself on Twinkies and become a 400 pound slob, you lose your job. If your job is to bring advertisement revenue to the channel by attracting as large a following as possible, and you go and risk alienating a large enough portion of it, you risk losing your job. And that IS his job. His job is not to go around and make goofy episodes for the heck of it. His job is to go and make goofy episodes to attract viewers to the channel so that the company can sell advertisement time at increased prices because of increased traffic. If he is not capable of doing his job, he WILL get dropped by the network.

And it's not the fact he said "It doesn't appeal to me, but I still respect them". It's the fact that, while saying that, he still goes on to say that homosexuality is a sin. It sounds like he's trying to weasel out of the topic by saying he's ok with it, but it's still wrong.

Every question asked does not require an answer. He had his chance to say "I won't talk about that," or even stop at "It doesn't appeal to me, but I still respect them." But he didn't. He went on to still address homosexuality as a sin. He goes on to address it as a decision, not genetics, despite overwhelming evidence that genetics are a major contributor to sexual orientation. He goes on to say that homosexuality is a slippery slope to beastiality and infidelity, despite all evidence showing that there is no correlation between increases in beastiality and homosexuality, and despite gay marriages resulting in less divorces and more marital fidelity than heterosexual relationships. So when you say he wasn't insulting, bullshit. He was insulting in several ways, and they were not all small slights.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
I don't see why Phil did get suspended for A&E, also the part about the Bible, a sin is a sin no matter how big or small, also The Bible is what happened what is going to happen and how it is going to end. Nobody get offended about this but I believe that humanity has strayed so far away from God and Jesus, that even mentioning about you religious beliefs you get punished. Tell me how that is right when you can talk all about worshiping false gods and satan. This world has gone whack with religious beliefs. Also no man should judge another man, which Immortal Pig is correct it is God's job. People make a big deal out of nothing. No I do not believe in homosexuality, but I will still love you, and I will still protect you but what Phil said didn't mean he is completely against homosexuals, he said "I do not prefer homosexuality" don't get all mad about this post I respect your opinions and people should respect mine.
Thanks for your time,
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
No, those two are not identical. One, I could argue that there is no such thing as a "right" religion, because religion is based on faith, and faith requires that there is no right or wrong answers, only faith that the answer you chose is right, but that's defeating the purpose of both not being identical.

Two, because one passage from a book is no longer considered "right" does not mean that the entire religion based on that book is wrong unless that passage is a core tenement of that religion. Which it isn't.

He didn't form the opinion that homosexuality is a sin on his own - the tell would be that he specifically referred to the bible and called it a 'sin', not 'wrong'. He doesn't think homosexuality is wrong as such, he is just aware that anyone who commits this sin will be at the mercy of God. His opinion is "I believe in my religion", the religion's opinion is "homosexuality is a sin".

If you try to tell him "your religion is fine, just change it" it's just not going to work. For any religious person, you can't convince them that one aspect is wrong, because that undermines the infallibility of religion. How ridiculous would it sound for an all knowing being to be wrong on anything?
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
If your job is

This line of logic I agree with.
And it's not the fact he said "It doesn't appeal to me, but I still respect them". It's the fact that, while saying that, he still goes on to say that homosexuality is a sin. It sounds like he's trying to weasel out of the topic by saying he's ok with it, but it's still wrong.[/QUOTE]
He's not saying he's ok with it, he's saying it's a sin. But he respects /people/.
This is kind of a core tenant of Christianity, 'judge not lest ye be judged', 'turn the other cheek', their religion asserts that a good person will try their best to follow the rules, and if others break the rules they will be non-confrontational and continue to respect them, and let God be the judge.

He is saying that regardless if he disagrees with you (either because he believes you are committing a sin or if he just doesn't find male ass attractive) he will still show respect. To me, he is a paragon of tolerance.
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
Every question asked does not require an answer. He had his chance to say "I won't talk about that," or even stop at "It doesn't appeal to me, but I still respect them." But he didn't. He went on to still address homosexuality as a sin.

I think it's unfair to have to hide your opinion, pro-X should not be allowed to persecute anti-X, and vice versa. And certainly both sides should show respect. If someone says "I respectfully disagree" I don't think they should be ostracized.
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
He goes on to address it as a decision, not genetics, despite overwhelming evidence that genetics are a major contributor to sexual orientation. He goes on to say that homosexuality is a slippery slope to beastiality and infidelity, despite all evidence showing that there is no correlation between increases in beastiality and homosexuality, and despite gay marriages resulting in less divorces and more marital fidelity than heterosexual relationships. So when you say he wasn't insulting, bullshit. He was insulting in several ways, and they were not all small slights.

I think you misinterpreted his language, he is saying "let's start by talking about homosexuality, and these other topics which are also sins". He definitely isn't saying homosexuality is a gateway to bestiality or homosexuals are likely to cheat. That's absolutely absurd.

And again, sin is sin regardless of genetics. I don't think it's necessary to discuss what God and Christians think of people who sin by genetics, since it's not a very nice topic... I mean, most base human emotions are sins... It's more of a 'do your best with what you've got' situation.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
if he has got an opinion based on his religious beliefs, no matter how bigoted they may be, he should be allowed to express them without being dumped off a programme otherwise they're saying there's no such thing as 'free speech'.
Originally Posted by MintCat View Post
if he has got an opinion based on his religious beliefs, no matter how bigoted they may be, he should be allowed to express them without being dumped off a programme otherwise they're saying there's no such thing as 'free speech'.

No, you can have free speech without it being protected from everything. An opinion is not untouchable. He stated on opinion, and he's entitled to have that opinion, but his opinion does not protect him from job repercussions if by stating or acting on that opinion inhibits his job. His contract is up for termination if at any point A&E decides that his show, or himself, is no longer a source of income for them, or if they do not like the path that he may be causing the network to advance. Words have power, so they're protected because everybody has the right to the most basic form of self expression. However, power has responsibilities, and if you break those responsibilities, your speech is no longer protected.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
He didn't form the opinion that homosexuality is a sin on his own - the tell would be that he specifically referred to the bible and called it a 'sin', not 'wrong'. He doesn't think homosexuality is wrong as such, he is just aware that anyone who commits this sin will be at the mercy of God. His opinion is "I believe in my religion", the religion's opinion is "homosexuality is a sin".

If you try to tell him "your religion is fine, just change it" it's just not going to work. For any religious person, you can't convince them that one aspect is wrong, because that undermines the infallibility of religion. How ridiculous would it sound for an all knowing being to be wrong on anything?

He's not saying he's ok with it, he's saying it's a sin. But he respects /people/.
This is kind of a core tenant of Christianity, 'judge not lest ye be judged', 'turn the other cheek', their religion asserts that a good person will try their best to follow the rules, and if others break the rules they will be non-confrontational and continue to respect them, and let God be the judge.

He is saying that regardless if he disagrees with you (either because he believes you are committing a sin or if he just doesn't find male ass attractive) he will still show respect. To me, he is a paragon of tolerance.


I think you misinterpreted his language, he is saying "let's start by talking about homosexuality, and these other topics which are also sins". He definitely isn't saying homosexuality is a gateway to bestiality or homosexuals are likely to cheat. That's absolutely absurd.

And again, sin is sin regardless of genetics. I don't think it's necessary to discuss what God and Christians think of people who sin by genetics, since it's not a very nice topic... I mean, most base human emotions are sins... It's more of a 'do your best with what you've got' situation.

Fair enough. I can concede these points. I really don't know what he's thinking, and I probably interpreted his words improperly when I reread his statements.


Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
I think it's unfair to have to hide your opinion, pro-X should not be allowed to persecute anti-X, and vice versa. And certainly both sides should show respect. If someone says "I respectfully disagree" I don't think they should be ostracized.

It may be unfair, but it comes with his job. You tread a fine line when your private life becomes your source of income. It's not like he said this in private as a private citizen, and now he's losing everything. He said this in an interview, as an entertainer, and his opinion is now coming back to bite him in the ass. Again, it's not fair his opinion is causing him this much trouble, but it came with the job.

But more importantly, he's not being persecuted. This is not a systemic discrimination against him for his position. This is his contract being in jeopardy because he no longer meets the criteria for the contract. His opinion is irrelevant here. If he said he was completely for homosexuals and A&E was going to drop him for that, as much as I'd hate A&E's guts, they still are in the right if it starts interfering with his ability to perform his contract.

It's also worth noting that he still sits on a mountain of wealth, so it's not like he's losing his livelihood here either. It's also worth noting that the state of Louisiana is willing to hook him up with other channels if A&E should choose to drop him, as they enjoy the source of tourism revenue his show creates. So it's not like he has much to lose from this anyways.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
It may be unfair, but it comes with his job. You tread a fine line when your private life becomes your source of income. It's not like he said this in private as a private citizen, and now he's losing everything. He said this in an interview, as an entertainer, and his opinion is now coming back to bite him in the ass. Again, it's not fair his opinion is causing him this much trouble, but it came with the job.

He wasn't on the show at the time - it was his private life.
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
But more importantly, he's not being persecuted. This is not a systemic discrimination against him for his position.

People who are not pro-LGBT are persecutes, in general. So as above, his private life only affects his public life in that non-LGBT supporters are persecuted. If this was an issue that didn't see persecution from one side, say for example he thinks the goal of incarceration should be rehabilitation not punishment, then as contentious as his opinion may be and as at odds to the station's opinions they may be, he would have been totally fine.

But because of the extreme persecution practiced by LGBT supporters, it's impossible to hold a contrary opinion, even one as mild as "it doesn't appeal to me but I still respect them", without facing consequences.
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
This is his contract being in jeopardy because he no longer meets the criteria for the contract.

To be sure, they didn't cite contract violation.

Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
It's also worth noting that he still sits on a mountain of wealth, so it's not like he's losing his livelihood here either. It's also worth noting that the state of Louisiana is willing to hook him up with other channels if A&E should choose to drop him, as they enjoy the source of tourism revenue his show creates. So it's not like he has much to lose from this anyways.

Well, his show will continue with or without him, they won't drop the IP.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
He wasn't on the show at the time - it was his private life.

An interview is not his private life.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
No, you can have free speech without it being protected from everything. An opinion is not untouchable. He stated on opinion, and he's entitled to have that opinion, but his opinion does not protect him from job repercussions if by stating or acting on that opinion inhibits his job. His contract is up for termination if at any point A&E decides that his show, or himself, is no longer a source of income for them, or if they do not like the path that he may be causing the network to advance. Words have power, so they're protected because everybody has the right to the most basic form of self expression. However, power has responsibilities, and if you break those responsibilities, your speech is no longer protected.

Could you expand on the first sentence please. It doesn't make a lot of sense.

"He stated on opinion, and he's entitled to have that opinion" yes, I agree. that's basically the point I was making.
"but his opinion does not protect him from job repercussions if by stating or acting on that opinion inhibits his job" - are you against free speech? is it fine to be dumped off a programme because you're giving an honest opinion?
the thread's title also bothers me. an opinion cannot be incorrect if it's not based on facts.
I believe he was talking about all sexual immorality, not just homosexuals. What a fuss about nothing.
Originally Posted by MintCat View Post
Could you expand on the first sentence please. It doesn't make a lot of sense.

"He stated on opinion, and he's entitled to have that opinion" yes, I agree. that's basically the point I was making.
"but his opinion does not protect him from job repercussions if by stating or acting on that opinion inhibits his job" - are you against free speech? is it fine to be dumped off a programme because you're giving an honest opinion?
the thread's title also bothers me. an opinion cannot be incorrect if it's not based on facts.
I believe he was talking about all sexual immorality, not just homosexuals. What a fuss about nothing.

That's essentially the same problem as "is it fine to be put in jail for revealing classified documents"

Free speech is an illusion. It does not exist. If you think it exists, you're wrong.