
scary picture

We have some of these ^ in our house. I shiver by just looking at that picture.
(╯°□°)╯︵ pɐǝɹɥʇ ʎɐldǝɹ
I really don't have an accute fear of anthing, I don't like a lot of things but I don't have a phobia of them. I supposed I'm lucky?
"and I have tons of friends" Deakster/Dickmaniac/Deak
Originally Posted by eazi View Post

scary picture

We have some of these ^ in our house. I shiver by just looking at that picture.

We've got MASSIVE black ones that crunch when you step on them. I run for the hills on sight.
I had a strange dream one night that plants were growing inside my body and since then I've had an odd fear of plants.
I'm also terrified of horses for no apparent reason.
And I have 'trypophobia'. Take my advice, don't google it.
And the usual ones such as spiders, spontaneously dying and nuclear bombs. (I was joking about the last two, however according to a website there is a genuine phobia of nuclear weaponry. I would've thought that's common sense but oh well..)
Neither Reason Nor Sense
I'm scared of violent animals with only desire: to bite the living shit out of me, so the closest one i could find were Hydrophobophobia - fear of rabies

i think it qualify, even when i do not fear rabies itself, just the effects of rabies, but maybe someone can find the actual phobia of violent animals or such

also Ichthyophobia
Originally Posted by juha2200 View Post
I'm scared of violent animals with only desire: to bite the living shit out of me, so the closest one i could find were Hydrophobophobia - fear of rabies

i think it qualify, even when i do not fear rabies itself, just the effects of rabies, but maybe someone can find the actual phobia of violent animals or such

also Ichthyophobia

Isn't ichthyophobia the fear of fish (Perhaps related to Ichthyology?)?

Anywho, I have a bad fear of spiders that exceed my thumbprint in legspan or have visible fangs. I also fear heights if I know something has a decent chance of going wrong (Or certainty that I will fall, eg a ride of some sort). Um yeah.
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I am scared of insects.

Once i broke my monitor while throwing a paperweight at some scary flying thingy.
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