I'm a bit inactive lately not my "super active" me at the moment. i usally get on once a day now except on weekends. Sometimes not even everyday

Guys, i think i should off for day, maybe weeks,maybe months,and maybe years
i already bored with this game, also, its nothing new at toribash see you later guys i will miss you guys
M e H
Uh Oh damn, another one. =/
Well, you'll probally back in some weeks like me, you'll find a better game to play and then you'll complete it and get bored so you probally will find another one and won't find, then you'll rejoin toribash. Always happen with meh. xD
Oh come on, I don't understand guys that leaves because the game is boring for them. What, you're bored of forum too? Come on, it takes five minutes to check the board. :/
PolishPlayer | Fan Club
Guys if i am kinda inactive right now its because reallife i have alot of problems, but no worries i will try to post when i have time, dont mark me on inactive aswell please i am trying to be as active as i can right now but school is a trouble ;/
It's ok, cobra, we can understand that you have problems and are trying to be active the max you can. we won't kick u.
I will be inactive, I need some time to think of life and I'm depressed

I will do everything possible to return soon