Originally Posted by Jakeway View Post
Right Skul. Maturity level is high here. First post in the thread implying people are kids. I thought I was on Toribash forums not CoD. Pretty sure it's a fact younger children don't have the same capacity to solve problems as adults. Not to mention his experience with dealing on a professional level with other people was probably subpar. If you gave an 11 year old any real power you confirmed everything I said earlier anyway.

It's funny cos I've got kids older than most this community, so you've just pretty much blew your fail argument of age = maturity by implying that one of the oldest members here is immature. GG

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
I never said age is maturity"kid". I'm sure there are 16 year olds as mature as 30 year olds and vise versa. I'll use you as my example. But there is a definitive link between brain development, maturity, and age. But gg. Grow up.

Also my I ask what you do for a living skul? I'm curious what kind of full grown adult calls people kids and says "gg".

both sides of the circlejerk are coming out in full force in this thread

T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
I would beg to differ fish. I'd also say from my run ins with him he doesn't handle every situation correctly. Seems like they just handout punishment on a case to case/however they feel that day. Other than that I'd say chozo is an idiot.
Originally Posted by Jakeway View Post
No doubte he was a good guy. But do you think an 11 year old can assess, support, and resolve problems with the same level of professionalism and respect that someone older could. The other point of experience, I know TBash has slim pickings for people who know what they're doing. But even past specific experience I feel like most of them have never managed anything but doing homework and taking out the trash. Let alone other people. No training mixed with no experience is a dangerous combination for someone in a position of power.

He went well beyond most current moderators. I'll repeat that age is not a limit, the only person who could possibly think age is a factor in maturity is the person that lacks it.

Also why are you running on the assumption that moderators have never accomplished anything in real life? Pretty much the only requirement is that you have the brains and socials to convince someone to give you the spot. That's like everything one needs in order to do some waves in his or her life. Explain to me, in your mind, what the correlation is between being persuasive and responsible in a small environment with being awful in a large one.
Originally Posted by Jakeway View Post
I would beg to differ fish. I'd also say from my run ins with him he doesn't handle every situation correctly. Seems like they just handout punishment on a case to case/however they feel that day. Other than that I'd say chozo is an idiot.

Now I'm getting a better feel for your angle. Do you have a personal stake in this? Because if the basis of every point you're making is that you were banned over something I think you should really take a step away here and think about how moot anything you say is, if you can't keep impartial that is.
Last edited by sid; Aug 28, 2013 at 03:10 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
<&Fish>: did you just infract the toribot?
<&Fish>: you're fired
<JSnuffMARS> sounds like a drug-addiction or mastu(I'll censor that word)
<bishopONE>: also yeah fisting
<mwah> Gynx is it true you got admin over hero because hes from pakistan
I think they are fair, its not like im friends with the staff. Oh and Argument over the Internet must get popcorn! BRB.
This isn't the discussion board so I won't go find a study that links age to brain development to maturity. Google it. I'm not salty because of a ban I was being a troll and got banned. Then of course I tried to bullshit my way out of it with redundant and bozo showed up to give me another month on a whim. Which is fine, it just shows how this forum is run.