Originally Posted by McD0NALDS View Post
WOW ERTH You were afraid of doors ... what would that mean?!

He was'nt afraid of doors,he was afraid of what was behind it.
Are you living the life you really want?
i had a dream once where i died of pill overdose

i've always had a phobia of perscription pills so
shmevin eats smegma
Sleep paralysis happens to me quite often.

Creepy as fuck
[duck] 01101000 01101001 01110000 01101111 01110100 01101001 01100010 01101111 01110010
My girlfriend has nightmares because of that shit... Lot's of people down here experiencing it...

Creepy yea.
Originally Posted by Juhizz View Post
Sleep paralysis happens to me quite often.

Creepy as fuck

Holy shit. That must be terrible man! So happy that has never happened to me.
I expecterienced REM (rapid-eye-movement) while being completely conscious once. I hadn't slept in 30 hours and wasn't feeling tired either. I was bored though, so I just decided to lie down on the coach in an effort to fall to sleep anyway. I was thinking about a theory I just learnt when I noticed my eyes were spazzing out and I couldn't control them. I could still hear cars drive by, the cockerell and my cat fumbling around. I was scared to move because it felt great and I knew REM was very positive and didn't want to disrupt that. After about 10 minutes it stopped by itself and I got up again.
f=m*a syens
I've had sleep paralysis once, and I AM GLAD THAT MY MIND SHOWED MERCY. There were basically no hallucinations, the one that was there wasn't even creepy at all. The creepiest part was that i was completely immobile, and couldn't control my own breathing. After a short while i could move again, and then i was like "YO i just had sleep paralysis lol". I hear it can be a terrifying experience though.

Originally Posted by TomWanks View Post
Has to be the time my parents taped a rotting scarecrow to my window in the middle of the night. I was scared shitless for like a month.


is the cruelest prank ever

holy shit man

Anyways, discounting all the dreams/nightmares i've had where i was being chased by a relentless monster who definitely did not want me to be alive, there was this one time in bed where i was firing up the hypochondriac vicious circle. See, i was lying there, thinking there might be something wrong with my heart (which i'm reasonably sure there isn't, given how it's not dangerous for my pulse to reach 200), feverishly trying to convince myself that NAH NOTHING IS WRONG. Cue my left pectoral muscle suddenly spazzing randomly. Left, as in right the fuck over my heart. I thought i had a goddamn heart attack, which scared the everloving shit out of me. I COULD NOT SLEEP THAT NIGHT, at first because i was buzzing from adrenaline, and when that subsided, i still had the shock to keep me awake. Not pleasant, at all.

Oh yeah, and regarding creepy dreams, special mention goes to the dreams i occasionally have that take something i know and love and twist it into something horribly creepy and WRONG. It often involves Disney cartoons. :|
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
When I began on antidepressants my dreams became so incredibly vivid and life-like to the point that I almost couldn't tell if I was awake or not. This happened for about the first 2 weeks and during that time I was extremely paranoid as to whether or not the life I was living was true or false.

On a side note, sleep paralysis is creepy as hell. The feels...
I've had sleep paralysis once, and it really was creepy as fuck, there was giant spider ,_, Since I have this

Apathetic User