I would also like to ask, how do I setup a nice kick or punch?
I can never really do it.
Star Wars Nerd - Fallout Hoe - Science Kid

For a punch, what i usually do is have my elbow in a contracted position, and the punching arm's pec is relaxing, then when i twist my body, the arm will swing faster. I only have my arm contracted a couple of frames before i hold the elbow and contract the pec, this way the arm will extend using it's force that was created with the initial swing, then it's just where on the body i'm aiming at, and whether my arm is out enough for a solid punch, if it's still contracted, i'll extend/relax it. I'd have to go in game to show how I punch, i guess everyone has thier own way of doing those kinds of things.

Hope this helped!
A little late now but isn't there something like this thread already? I remember back then there was one, maybe when we got official RSO never made a thread for it...
I don't exist
From what I know of, there are tutorials, but no threads where members can ask on how to improve on specific things on improving their style and developing off of what they have right now.

As for being stiff in the air, I love to play around with holding/relaxing different joints in order to make my movement look smooth. Being stiff can be fixed by relaxing a few joints here and there, but you don't want to relax too much as it makes the spar look extremely floppy, your best bet is to simply see what joints are causing you to look stiff and attempt to find out what you need to do in order to fix that in later spars.

From what I've seen from that spar, you contract your elbows way too much, just play around with them a lot more and experiment with relaxing and holding and extending your elbows to generate momentum. Shoulder work is also a great thing, as you can generate a stupid amount of momentum by raising and lowering them, but you want to keep in mind that if you do it wrong, it can break the flow and look bad, I like to check how the shoulder movement flows by checking how they move while relaxed before lowering/raising shoulders to generate momentum.
Sold my dog to join RRO
Originally Posted by notnoob View Post
From what I know of, there are tutorials, but no threads where members can ask on how to improve on specific things on improving their style and developing off of what they have right now.

As for being stiff in the air, I love to play around with holding/relaxing different joints in order to make my movement look smooth. Being stiff can be fixed by relaxing a few joints here and there, but you don't want to relax too much as it makes the spar look extremely floppy, your best bet is to simply see what joints are causing you to look stiff and attempt to find out what you need to do in order to fix that in later spars.

From what I've seen from that spar, you contract your elbows way too much, just play around with them a lot more and experiment with relaxing and holding and extending your elbows to generate momentum. Shoulder work is also a great thing, as you can generate a stupid amount of momentum by raising and lowering them, but you want to keep in mind that if you do it wrong, it can break the flow and look bad, I like to check how the shoulder movement flows by checking how they move while relaxed before lowering/raising shoulders to generate momentum.

I meant as in a thread where the player asks another to spar and learn/teach.
But since this exists I'll use it.
I don't exist
Originally Posted by masterx3 View Post
any recomendation on good parkour mod?

this isnt sparring

dont get your posts deleted
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
cnc is an endangered resource
I'm looking for different ways on to do twists. My acrobatic skills need a bit of work. Here's a very recent spar.
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