Well, the opener looked quite stiff, i think you shouldn't contract your wrist like that.
Spin was nice and smoothy, landing was pretty weird though. didn't like how you ghosted your arm, seriously. Deacp was quite fast and great.
Kicks after that was just great and flowing each other, gj on that.
The ending maybe should be done better in my opinion.
Still a nice replay after a long break man
"People become stronger cause there are memories they won't forget."
Like april said, the opener was pretty stiff and you lost a considerable amount of speed.

transition was also rather stiff stuff, but the manip hits were decent.

I didn't like how you ghosted through your arm before that decap. The decap itself was pretty good though, not gonna lie.

The kick after that could be sooo much better, it would be amazing if you got a crotch boom and it doesn't look to difficult given the angle and the speed you have.

next kick was good too, I liked how they flowed together, good job.

ending was really bad I'm afraid.

but still if you fix a few things here and there, this would make a killer replay.
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