I like it. Very much.

As for Pwr, no... Actually, everyone in the community.
I don't think we should have a restriction that says that "those who ain't allies aren't allowed to post", this is silly imo.

Everyone should be allowed to drop in and say "hi, how's it hangin" from now and then, restricting the community would only harm our future reputation of being a nice clan.

After all, everyone in this community should be "allies" in the first place.
What do you guys think about this design?


The colors are great, but imo it would look better if there was a small logo (like an icon) next to the text. Not that experienced with art though.
Vordred alt.
Contact Vordred.
I don't see what pwr has to do here when he doesn't know anybody.
Therefore no ally, therefore no need to post.
Design looks cool, but I think the text should be in middle and shaded like the grey area.
Which means I think those golden lines should be removed aswell.
Well, he's obviously here to bitch about Demon leaving Power for Family, but also that we seem like a nice and well organized (which we are) clan. And imo we should respect that ^^
I'll see what I can do about the banners.
Also, donated.

For your records...
You've sent 30000 toricredits to Milybank
Tbh I don't want random people posting here just for the sake of posting.
I want loyal allies aswell and to keep it that way the alliance system will stay, if you want to further discuss this please throw me a pm instead. ^^
Awesome donation.
Water, Invade tags don't make nothing anymore... You can post here if you want except if you got any advice saying another thing...
But i have to say the same thing that he said, i've like the banners and i hope an amazing future for this clan.
Version two but shade the text like you did with the grey part.
Left side of the text a lighter tone of gold.