Ohh i really admire this replay man ... But you should work a bit more on landing,
I edited this stuff a little bit, and i end up with idea, that your landing should proceed through hand ...
Look at this, and if you like the idea, try to edit it so it would look better, and that you don't loose balance.
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!Little edit.rpl (66.8 KB, 13 views)
<iRookie>This clan got a lot of epic members, such as missuse and Aj, Pulse and Kaszanas, and I want to be part of them.
Well, opoener was stiff, didn't like it.
spins lookd good, the last few spins were fast and looked cool.
"People become stronger cause there are memories they won't forget."
A crappy madman

EDIT: Also kasz, I got the idea but it just doesn't work, it just ruins the momentum etc.
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#C-M- Heat.rpl (280.5 KB, 28 views)
Opener was pretty cool.
The kick looks like it had a lot of flow into it.
The second move where you kicked and punch, that could be a bit more smoother.
But I don't get that third me it was unnecessary.
When I saw that throw I said, "ah okay that was cool".
But when it don't Dm it doesn't look right. I think you should keep trying to make that Dm.
Also I didn't like that pose very well. I think you should of bent that knee a bit and let the other one fall (like it did).
But anyway, nice job.
Replay thread

Just made...

opener was cool and the first kick was cool and pretty clean, the next one was also nice, could make it more clean though.
Liked your movement btw, it looked really cool.
The decap punch wassn't that good either, the last kick was ok, abit weak though.
"People become stronger cause there are memories they won't forget."
Surprisingly, I liked the first hit.
The second hit would have been brilliant if you just punched him instead of grabbing him.
I really liked the decap though, and the transition to the next hit was great.
The hit itself was a bit disappointing, you had a lot of speed and IMO it would have looked a bit better if it was a boomhit.
The skeet looked pretty good, I liked it.
dat opener was turfin'

The first hit was really nice and fast, and you grabbed well too
Nice, solid hit, awesome, but the way you shifted directions was a bit akward.
I liked how you hit with your knee though, nobody seems to do that around except maybe shook once in a while.

The pose was great. No, really, anything that makes me laugh in a replay is good.