The opener was pretty stiff and simple. That 3 hit combo was nice, it was fast and destructive. The replay would be decent if it stopped right after the combo, but you just kept for more 800 frames just to dm 2 bodyparts. Because of that, the replay was boring to watch, not to mention how incredibly slow you were. There wasn't any flow in the entire replay, you kept twitching your legs. 5/10
Yeah akuma i said, i only keeped on because i wanted to split rest i couldve stopped there if i wanted to but it wouldve been me just posing and that would be lame. Also i only twitched my legs once at frame 200 - 155 and i didnt keep doing it. But thanks for rating man

Also yeah start was a bit stiff i just noticed, i thought it would look cool since i dont realy go into the realistic stuff.

Also new replay with me doing some kind of skeet at the end

The first replay terribly antsy, but dekap good.
The second and third replays look average because the final posture look terrible. Third replay is excellent, a little mistake in the final position, evaluation - 8.5/10.
First half of that replay was beautiful.
Once your elbow hit your leg at 868, things went downhill.
Didn't really like the flow of it after that.
The grab and next DM looked too forced and didn't blend with the feel of the replay.

I'd edit.

Thanks guys!
Couldnt edit the one moment before i grabbed the legs because i didnt had any plan actualy to grab the legs again. But i tried to add a bit more style in the destruction from the legs and torso and even a bit after that with a pose. Ill hope i did this better

Last edited by Cobra; Feb 9, 2013 at 01:35 PM.
Don't take this as anything more than CnC. Just figured I might be able to help you out a little. I'll CnC your two recent replays one after the other, and give you a little insight.

NowThisIsEpicShit: It's apparent that you know how to boom, and that's a rather nice skill to have in terms of making a replay look good and exciting. The starter you used was rather odd and simplistic. The first kick was destructive but very stiff. Afterwards, you flailed around for awhile until you were close enough to grab Uke, in which you were in the air for a longer period of time than you could have been. When you got to the second kick, it was destructive, despite being extremely strange. You did this back-flip at frame 420 which was entirely unnecessary and wasn't done well, and the pose wasn't good either. You were either too stiff or too relaxed in the replay, which threw me off.

fl0woverdose: I was kind of expecting some flow with fl0woverdose, but it wasn't there. The starter was odd, and the jump was even weirder. The first kick could have been more powerful. The second kick actually surprised me. I don't think I've ever seen an arm and leg boom before. It was a very powerful hit. The third and fourth kicks were a little odd to me, but destructive nonetheless. It took you much too long to pose, and when you did, you fell down. You were very stiff when you were trying to get into the pose.

You need to work on style. Your movements don't have any flow (I've provided a link for your benefit), and really you're just wobbling around until you can get closer to Uke. Practice standing on your feet, as hand standing and flailing around throughout a replay is never good. You know how to boom, so making your moves more fluid and practicing balance will make you a better replay maker. I'd recommend that you watch some of the other replay makers to get some ideas, and practice what you see to better yourself.

Happy replay making, and sorry for the wall of text. ;o
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Dude this actualy is one of the best responds i ever got, this helps me out 100% ill try to make the next replay a bit more flow(er)ish thanks alot assa! ;)