Originally Posted by shook View Post
Give me a proper brawl where both players are trying their damnedest to stay in the fight and give the other hell any day, i don't care if i lose a match if it was a blast to play.

It sounds like you, along with a lot of other people who commented, want to spar. I'm sure you already understand but the purpose of multiplayer is to win in any way possible. If style actually mattered, we would be given style points to grade how 'awesome' our matches were.

Anyway, let me give a common run/comeback scenario:


Player A and Player B get into a clash at the beginning of the match in wushu.

Player B gets more points and due to momentum, goes flying in one direction.

Player A, along with other ignorant spectators in the room, completely oblivious to the laws of physics, call Player B a 'noob runner.'

Player B, even though he was already preparing for a comeback, says "I'm coming back," just to make sure that the others are aware that he will attempt to correct his 'noobish' mistake and also to protect his reputation among the other players. Meanwhile, Player A is waiting patiently for his opponent's return.

Player B makes a successful comeback only to be greeted with a kick to the face from Player A. A kick that was set up two turns in advance while Player A was just waiting for Player B to arrive.

Game Over. Player A wins, Player B loses. Player A says "gg "

This scenario (and its variations) is so common that its annoying to me. Not to mention the fact that everyone is okay with what just happened.

If you are losing, you should be the one to go after your opponent. The one who is leading doesn't need to do anything because he already earned his lead. The loser is the one who needs to show that he wants the win.

If you are losing and are telling your opponent to comeback to you, honestly, you don't deserve to win. That's like racing with someone and telling them to slow down so you can catch up. If you win, it shouldn't even count.

Fight for your win, or take the loss like a man/woman.
"Fear not the Tori who has practiced 10,000 openers once, but fear the Tori who has practiced one opener 10,000 times."
Originally Posted by DaNooB23 View Post
It sounds like you, along with a lot of other people who commented, want to spar. I'm sure you already understand but the purpose of multiplayer is to win in any way possible. If style actually mattered, we would be given style points to grade how 'awesome' our matches were.

So what, it not being listed in points is enough to call it irrelevant? Sounds to me like you're thinking in statistics. Sure, the objective goal is to win, but isn't the whole point of playing a game, ANY game, to have fun? If winning comes at the cost of a boring match with frustrating tactics, then count me out, because that ain't my idea of fun.

BUT! I just remembered that there's this neat thing called a dojo, which effectively makes running an automatic loss. It comes with its own set of disadvantages, but it's there. Now to make all game modes come with an optional dojo.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Originally Posted by shook View Post
BUT! I just remembered that there's this neat thing called a dojo, which effectively makes running an automatic loss. It comes with its own set of disadvantages, but it's there. Now to make all game modes come with an optional dojo.

Read the whole thread thinking this. It's a built-in, anti-running feature. Well said.
<Crooked> I'd say spartan, cause if he's tough enough to digest ungodly amounts of alcohol he clearly has the best body
Originally Posted by shook View Post
If winning comes at the cost of a boring match with frustrating tactics, then count me out, because that ain't my idea of fun..

Then sparring is for you.

You call them frustrating tactics, I look at them as challenging tactics.
Originally Posted by Spartan094 View Post
Read the whole thread thinking this. It's a built-in, anti-running feature. Well said.

While it does cut back on outrageous running, it's still very possible to run in matches with a dojo. I play ninjtusu a lot and that's usually where I hear the term 'runner.' Its also possible to run in aikido big dojo but since you're allowed to grab your opponent it rarely, RARELY happens.
Last edited by DaNooB23; Aug 7, 2012 at 05:37 AM.
"Fear not the Tori who has practiced 10,000 openers once, but fear the Tori who has practiced one opener 10,000 times."
Quite francly it's true, i actually get the most "running" calls when i'm playing ninjtusu, just cause there is a dojo does not mean one can't run.
On the other hand, i want to agree with both shook and DaNooB
The point that the player with the most points shouldn't be the one making a comeback is all true, but i also agree with shook that the point of the match is to have fun.
Not saying any of you are wrong, but non of you are fully right either.
I just realised I have the stupidest name in the forum
Style > Winning...

I have no problem with people running. thats their choice.

but i enjoy a good replay. and unless you chasing their run makes a really good replay somehow, running usually ruins that aspect of the fight and takes most of the style out of a match.

I enjoy rk-mma.tbm because their is enough space to move around effectively but the dojosize, frames and gravity make it good for comebacks and it generally makes reasonably good replays...
Made by Fenris
I just fought a few runners. All they wanted was to win.
They told me to space as soon as their opener got the best of me.
It seems they forgot that they gain qi even if they lose, but that's not the point.

I believe Tb is more about fun and how you play, but runners ruin that.
Well, this IS the internet. There's not much you can do about it.
'°o[Ethr♥][My Music][B.A.W.S.]o°'
Originally Posted by DaNooB23 View Post
It sounds like you, along with a lot of other people who commented, want to spar. I'm sure you already understand but the purpose of multiplayer is to win in any way possible.

Multiplayer's purpose is for us to interact with other people, learn, get better and have fun.

Repeated running is literally taking away from the experience where you have to try your hardest to get to him rather than making comebacks and learning from your mistakes.

But I'm fine with it as long as it's not overly used.
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Originally Posted by MrJingles1 View Post
Multiplayer's purpose is for us to interact with other people, learn, get better and have fun.

I agree. However, speaking from a strictly technical point of view, the main goal of multiplayer is to fight and win.
Originally Posted by MrJingles1 View Post
Repeated running is literally taking away from the experience where you have to try your hardest to get to him rather than making comebacks and learning from your mistakes.

If your opponent is running from you then you've made a mistake. You simply wasn't either aggressive enough or defensive enough. People should learn from that mistake and adjust their playing style instead of just complaining. That's what the game is about right? Learning from your mistakes...
"Fear not the Tori who has practiced 10,000 openers once, but fear the Tori who has practiced one opener 10,000 times."
I agree that running is nothing bad. Running is actually the best experience for those who are not cause they can everytime learn and practice how to comeback/chase if they want their fun. It's your tori you are squeezing the fun out.

Whatever it takes to win.

If it's a tourney, you have joined it with one goal, the prize, the TCs. Do whatever it takes to win every fight every oponent to get closer to the prize. It's all bullshit about being nice and friendly in tourneys. Look at the Olympic games right fucking now. Do any of those - who are there to get their medals, their prizes - are trying to make fun, to enjoy the game by making their opponents feel comfortable? Look people. You all want to win tourneys. You all want to earn credits. These are just pathetic lies about gaining respect and all that bullshit about friendshit. After you lose, you will always try to find someone whos guilt it is. You won't try to first examine what's wrong in your tactics of winning. Noone is your friend on the ladders to victory - the valuable one.

If you want to play for fun with your friends and practice, fucking do it in your private server - set whatever the settings of it to make you both/all feel comfortable. Don't fuck with tourneys.

Don't cry, make yourself better and feel better about it not just type some bullshit cause you can't calm down when losing.
