Heh, I'm glad something Tama started became official! ^-^
You worked real hard TamaKuu.
Supported you from even the beginning of this org. <3
Sad to have seen you go man. ]:
You should come back soon, and I'll help you relight that sparring fire that nearly burnt out. ;]
~Snip~Snip~Snip~Snip~Snip~Snip~Snip~Snip~Snip~Snip ~Snip~Snip~Snip~Snip~Snip~
~Snip~Snip~Snip~Snip~Snip~Snip~Snip~Snip~Snip~Snip ~Snip~Snip~Snip~Snip~Snip~
~Snip~Snip~Snip~Snip~Snip~Snip~Snip~Snip~Snip~Snip ~Snip~Snip~Snip~Snip~SniP~
~Snip~Snip~Snip~Snip~Snip~Snip~Snip~Snip~Snip~Snip ~Snip~Snip~Snip~Snip~Snip~

Alaistier Moderated Message:
Please PM me all applications. Thanks. It prevents people from trying to one-up the application before theirs. I've got your app saved to my computer, I didn't delete it.
Last edited by Alaistier; May 7, 2012 at 12:29 PM.
Originally Posted by Alaistier View Post
Let me get everything settled, then I'll determine who gets mod powers.

I'm looking for a co leader, so you might want to check that out.

I checked it out already and I applied.

Tama I hope your proud of us. Come back or else i'll make the best -30 replay and the best spar I can ever make to make you come back.
Well I'm pretty sure that's all we need so far so we should put this thread in the removed thread and then if we need anymore threads to sticky we can talk about it in the Suggestions thread.