Server Name: element

What is it (Fun, Mod Test, Duels, Betting, etc.) fun

Time that you will wait for someone to appear: 1 hour

Who is with you in the room:
Server Name: ele

What is it (Fun, Mod Test, Duels, Betting, etc.) fun

Time that you will wait for someone to appear: 1 hour

Who is with you in the room:
Server Name: Ele

What is it (Fun, Mod Test, Duels, Betting, etc.) fun

Time that you will wait for someone to appear: I gotta go in 15 minutes.

Who is with you in the room: Sileence and soon BabyBash
]Server Name: [[Element] Fun

What is it (Fun, Mod Test, Duels, Betting, etc.) Fun

Time that you will wait for someone to appear: 1 hour

Who is with you in the room: No one. D:

/jo ele
Last edited by Picasa; Jun 30, 2012 at 05:42 PM.