Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Probably too late but hi again!

Although I don't have any experience with Objective-C, it is widely used for a reason. (I completely disagree with BillyRuben's above post and am a firm believer that every programming language has its merits, none of them are perfect and that absolutely none should be dismissed immediately, without even an investigation. Not being open to new ideas (and thus opportunities) is a surefire sign of a mediocre programmer. :P)
At this point, if you have the experience, it might be worth spending a lot of time with one language but dabbling around in several others both to gain experience in programming and the involved thought processes in general and to learn to think in different ways. What I see from you now is a strongly object-oriented approach, but the way that makes you think is not going to help you in an environment where procedural or functional programming is dominant. To be a good programmer, diversity of media is essential.
Just something to think about.
I'd recommend scheme and straight C for you to dabble with, and Objective-C if you're planning on Mac development. Scheme because it's functional, the syntax is somewhat of a throw-off from what you're used to, using an interpreted language makes it easier to see where you've gone wrong and fix your mistakes when you make them, and it's just plain fun. C because the syntax is familiar but you'll be working much more closely with pointers (if you were working with them at all in C#) and you will need to approach problems in the same way as a procedural programmer would.
Programming truly isn't a "one language and you're set" deal. To be really successful you will need more than that.
Last edited by legsol; Jan 6, 2012 at 11:02 PM.
I saw a non-pandorian posting, I thought to myself "GET OUT!".
Then I saw the post, containing such fine grammar.
This kid is okay, you may dwell within these forums as you like, but don't get on my bad side.

If you are a beginner better start with C#. C# http://csharp.net-informations.com is simple to study and Object oriented. Also its syantaxes are similar to java and C++. So once you learn C# properly you could change to Java or C# very easily.

SDL and openGL seems fun .

Making your own physics takes some thinking though... just adding the gravity and collision detection took me a while. Still buggy as hell but I've got all the time in the world to fix and improve it. Might spit a game out of it some day...

Source code : http://pastebin.com/Eved5AM2

And the executable + libs : http://www.speedyshare.com/U6u5d/Test.rar

Now all I need to do is turn the collision detection into a function so I can add more objects and have it done automatically and to work out a way of making more levels, as well as some camera movement.


v2 released.

-Added support for simple map design ( 9x10 grid ), stored in map1.txt
-Improved collision system

Source: http://pastebin.com/PWmDvRB1
Exe: http://www.speedyshare.com/Ekx2A/Test2.rar


v3 released.

-Added a simple menu ( took a whole lot of lines).
-Increased map resolution to 18 x 20.

Source : http://pastebin.com/kxPCsNFb
Exe : http://www.speedyshare.com/sV6KC/Test3.rar

To do list ( items in red are done) :
-Camera movement ( as in scrolling, allowing for larger maps)
-A menu of some sort
-Increase the map resolution ( 18x20 probably). I will try to make a map editor as well later on.
-Add some sort of goal to it
-More types of blocks with different properties( minecraft ??)
-Better textures
-Improve the map editor
Last edited by vladvlad; Dec 25, 2012 at 06:56 PM.
Proud member of [Pandora]
No feedback Sad me is sad.

EDIT : In the meanwhile I managed to create a simple map editor( way too simple to be honest but at least it does itrs job). Now I really need to find a way to scroll around the map.
Proud member of [Pandora]
Would check that stuff, but I'm kinda in the mountains with worst internets ever, so I'll make sure to check it when I get back home :3
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3
Yay! JAVA!

It's far from complete but at least I've managed to get the baisc concept running and evolving from here will be quite simple. I still need to fix the enemy bullets in order to make them shoot where they need to but I'll see when I get back to fixing it. A level system will be in there in the future and sound... Oh, and the bullets don't do anything at the moment, this is just a preview while I'm trying to implement them, so for now they are only launched and rendered.

But for now, this is it:
Proud member of [Pandora]