Originally Posted by Facade View Post
apply for member or gtfo

Well, Im in Coffee for one. Plus Coffee is clan allies with HIT.
I would just liek to post here.

P.S. If I wasnt in Coffee I would ally here.
I'm kidding you know o; anyway, I'm sure if Coffee is an ally you're free to post here.
what am i doing here
Just some advice, HIT should have a General Information board that shows members, allies, clan bank status, etc.
I'll make one.

Also good thing that "SnipersFan" guy applied to different clans. I was going to say no just because he doesn't show anything in his application that makes him stand out from other people. His sentences are just so bland haha.
Hi everyone,
I'm Trikskier, and here is my app.

Name: trikskier (Dylan)

GMT: My GMT is a bit difficult to explain. I live in different places around the year, mostly varying from Germany, to California, and Massachusetts. I’m currently in Mass., just moved here, and the GMT here is -5 I believe.

Forum/Irc/Ingame Activity: Well, I would say that I am very efficient when it comes to forum use, because I know what I have to do, and check up on. When I have to correct items I’m an avid marketeer, but otherwise, I’m like most toribashers, where I just browse, and post, and try to avoid breaking the rules. I knew when I have to be proper, and when I can goof off, but most of the time I prefer to be cultured. I have a pretty decent activity, with almost 1900 posts in about 9 months. I would rate my forum activity a 9.5/10.
I have always had trouble finding a good, free IRC client for my mac, so currently I just use the webclient in google chrome. I go on IRC when I can, but thats not very often. I can easily raise my activity if you wish, but currently I would give it about a 7/10.
I am always more active in-game than anything else. For me, in-game is where the real passion lies. I love to play aikido, aikidobigdojo, kickboxing, running, sparring, parkour, judo, yet I must say I never learned how to play wushu. Depending on my mood, I’m usually a very civilized person in-game, and when I get mad, I have slight spouts of anger, but they soon calm down. I like to server sit, and I don’t mind doing it either, so I could host tourneys etc. for us. I would rate my in-game activity a 9.5/10.

Past Clans: My first clan was [MFR], and from there on, I was a recruit inside of [addicted] for two weeks, but then they decided I wasn’t good enough to be part of the clan. I was in [DaF] for a while, but the group dynamic didn’t please me. I was in [one] but they became way too trollish, and then Fish disbanded the whole clan right after I left, so I guess I made the right choice at the right time, and then my next clan was [SyN], which was my favorite clan for a while, but they became too inactive. And my last clan was [GerU].

Belt: Second dan.

Best Mod: I would have to say that my best mod is aikidobd, but I am also good at aikido, judo and ninjitsu. I am also good at shaolintwinswords, and other twinswords mods. I know they do not take much skill, but I played them when I was noob, and got pretty good at them.

Talents: Writing, replay making, ingame. I think myself to be quite good at writing, and would love to do anything for you guys. I started making replays about a month ago, and they are nothing special, but I have made some sick moves in them. I am quite good ingame I believe. I also like playing other games, and am open to pretty much anything you wanna talk about. If you have a problem, come see me, and I can most likely solve it, whether it be personal or anything else.

Reason of joining: Well, I’ve been seeing a lot more of Muur and Faint lately, and I’ve always seen Lwaff, and Facade around the forums, and you two guys like some awesome guys, and I would like to get to know you guys better. Also, I’m sick of clans that are super trollish etc, and now I’m ready for a real gentleman’s clan.

General info about yourself: My name is Dylan and I am 15 years old. I am German and American, and speak both languages fluently. I currently live in California, after having recently moved here from Germany, yet now I moved to Mass. I am in OSHI, BISH, MusicHub, TMA, BRMO, n00b, JAW (ETC) and used to go to school with Zinx in the same grade. I kinda really like toribash, and I think I will stay with it for quite some amount of time.

Recommendation (If any): Tripstone

Thank you so much for taking your time to read this, and hopefully considering my application.

All the best,

Tripstone approves of Trikskier, and did recommend him to this clan.
He's a good and loyal player and an all around good person.

<3 Muur
Sup. So I decided that making my own clan is never the answer, and should not have left this clan. No I am not trying to join now because your official, as I really liked being here with you all when you were not official and such. You guys know all those details about me and stuff so I think I am just going to finish this with a question. Should we let Glitch back in?