Inactivity is something we do not wish to achieve at this moment. Be more active, I am trying to get money as we speak to get unoffical toriclan. Alright? So it's time to get serious now.

I am the bank aswell.

Good luck with the new clan.
Guys just for your bit of extra info there is a Org called Olda very close to the name of this clan.
I am just warning you guys.

Anyways good luck again.


requesting single allies.
ah yes olda. Olda has a similar name, but the meanings do not compare. We are a jap clan of oda. Oda is a real name and was a real clan. That is what we stand for and more, olda is for 18 year old's just and adult organizations nothing more.

Thank you aswell.
Vult: we need to get more members.
the reason im inaxctive is that my GMT is +3
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Yes we do, I have found some people they may be worthy of joining [Oda]. You help out and find some clanless people ok? There post must be at least 100.

Hmmm...Allies with you? I don't know yet let me see your clan forum. Also Oda has a long history. It's japanese, you can look it up on google.
Last edited by vultron; Aug 29, 2011 at 04:17 PM.
We are not desperate for members. We take our time, but I will think about it. Right now I am just focusing on getting tc for the clan.