Endurance Onslaught 6.0
just installed
<&Fish>: did you just infract the toribot?
<&Fish>: you're fired
<JSnuffMARS> sounds like a drug-addiction or mastu(I'll censor that word)
<bishopONE>: also yeah fisting
<mwah> Gynx is it true you got admin over hero because hes from pakistan
Originally Posted by Thorn View Post
So who's getting this?


was playing this with bojan so he probably on this list also
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
some one of you, who understands this game, please pm me his skype name, i need help with that
i didnt understand anything yet, and im only shooting teammates.
Check out my Youtube!
First, game is not fast paced like COD and clones, this is a military (as much as it can be) realistic shooter. Be prepared to die often and not knowing from where the bullet came (maybe he is 10 m from you, maybe he is on the hill, 500 m from you, u don't know), so no crazy Rambo charging.
The most difficult thing will be to see the enemy, then react depending on his position and distance.
Bullets don't go straight, there is a gravity involved. Learned that the hard way.
But overall, game is good. It's not one of those ''jump in-kill all'' games so if u expect some fast kills u will have them. You'll die fast! :P
But, anyway, its pure fun online (expecialy when u commander a tank, ey Snake? :P), and its addictive. At least it is for me. And Snake! :P

Look though controls list (its huuuuuuge) and play some single training first. Don't just jump in hoping that u will figure it out though 'baptism by fire', u will just get to many bullets inside your head. On Veteran settings (on some servers) u will not have names and icons above your teammates, so u will kill them by mistake. Happened to me lots of times.

Snake jumped in front of me behind some building and got shot by me! :P It was surprise to both of us! Haha! :P
this is just epic ;p
Dodging enemy aircraft fire at night on slow helicopter without any weapons, playing hide n seek with enemy armored vehicles, and some other epic things like Bojan killed enemy pilot using dragunov, or when we dragged criticaly injured olik back to trenches during airstrike, when bombs explode closer and closer to you on a few meters distance

yea.. you need to try it to understand ;p
Last edited by snake; Jul 19, 2011 at 02:50 PM.
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
Game is good because its not pre-set straight forward run like in COD and other shooting games. You can experience any kind of situation in the battlefield just like in real life.
Like Snake said: dragging wounded comrade in spite of the enemy arty fire is something like a scene from ''Saving private Ryan'' :P
And we had many similar experiences during our online game. I mean, its very close to real fighting conditions. Your enemy is constantly on the move, trying to encircle you, or flank, so if u just stay on one position you are dead. Also, what u can see you can shoot, so if he is behind some foliage not moving u can pretty much get bullet and ask what happened? But the same conditions works for your solider.
I mean, its not always that u have to lay down on the ground and wait for enemy chopper (that is looking for you!) to pass. Then run for cover, then again lay down and be still hoping he didn't spotted you. Things like that make really good atmosphere in this game.
But its not for those who wish to became really good at it really fast.

Btw, Snake, I improved my landing with the chopper. I know how to easy land now. :P
You can bet your ass we will. I'm starting to get accustomed to airplanes. So, maybe our little team will have some sky support! :P
I'll call u as soon I get home.
Toribash by day, ARMA by night! :P
well i left arma for toribash back then ( 3 years ago ) tho i was in some squad and we were havin fun making own missions and assaulting buildings like SWAT ;p

btw just figured out how to run evo on my server ;p and edited a little bit ;p mb ill add some heavy armored vehicles soon i dunno.. need 2 test current one
Last edited by snake; Jul 19, 2011 at 05:04 PM.
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15