My Statistics Teacher in Highschool told me about how he wouldn't even attend his math class in college. Instead, on the day of the test, he would wake up at like 3 in the morning and just go over the material. He would then ace the test because math was just easy for him.

My advice,
Focus on getting into college first before you decide to slack off because you "already know it all".

Originally Posted by IceShadow View Post
My Statistics Teacher in Highschool told me about how he wouldn't even attend his math class in college. Instead, on the day of the test, he would wake up at like 3 in the morning and just go over the material. He would then ace the test because math was just easy for him.

My advice,
Focus on getting into college first before you decide to slack off because you "already know it all".

I'm not deciding to slack off, I was just born lazy and I have absolutely no will power to do the homework. If I see something is pointless to do it's almost impossible for me to convince myself to do it. Homework obviously falls under that category.

If anyone has any advice on how to stay motivated to do homework, please share. Next year I'll try doing all my homework just to see what grades I could get.