Pretty much what isaac said is true for alot of players but when you start fighting for a clan or start being in vids you'lle change youre mind
TPC Flames

Replays (need CnC)

lol at the whole tori economy thing. there is no cost of production in toribash, therefore no economy. ie it is free to make textures, you sell textures- free money.
Originally Posted by Natejas View Post
we need to get some tv advertisements and ads then we wont worry about the game dying

Yea, cause Nabi would of course like to pay for that.
[Fr3styL]|TNT|Rooyall: Wanna smell my dick? Me: Why not? Rooyall: That's what I ask the girls all the time..
well idk how much money nabi studios is making off this
~ raku ~ Team Girl Scouts ~ Clan League 2013 Champion ~ Duelist ~
Originally Posted by Corey View Post
9) leave toribash momentarily because the community sucks
10) come back anyway

But true.

Longest I've gotten so far is 6 months

11) Troll everything and give no one a serious answer
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
you forget that marketing its a game for others too.
Also ive tried to quit tb 5 times.
I failed Im always back, pretty ure my sons will play it, ill teach them how to
Become a phantom
Mac Muffins.
I don't think this forum will ever die. The game is still around. People will always be finding it, getting bored, then staying on the forums for atleast a year or two. As long as this process is repeated I don't think it'll ever die.

Toribash is my only forum I'm active on, out of the two i actually visit often, and I don't think i'll be leaving untill i'm considered an oldfag >_>
2worlds is in this, long time no see.

I've basically had the whole iceshadow experience, and corey's as well. Even tho I'm running a semi-successful clan, it's still somewhat boring but I give players a sense of accomplishment and that's all i'm after.

also, ohai Bio
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