You didn't read my post.
You keep saying you're a bad artist yet you wont take criticism humbly.
Always a defense, acting like a huge epeen.

You should know criticism is to help you, so take it all in.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
I do consider everything you say.
Did you see the to do list? ;o

Now, if you don't have anything other than "you did not understand what I say" to say get out of my thread, kthx.
I don't really see how this is a head texture, and not a fully acknowledged piece of abstract.
If you looks closely you can see eyes, faces, smiles, flowers, and all sorts of other stuff.
That's great.
It's hard to give this work of art a name.
It's also hard to tell if you were showing hatred or affection towards MrM.

Last edited by firebolty; May 17, 2011 at 09:54 PM.
Most people here posting some kinda stuff like this is messy, awful etc.
Looks like they got used to pretty and shiny robotic\emo\realistic stuff.
Of course, when I looked on it at first, my reaction was like Whatta hell...
Then read description.
Don't know, why, but I actually like it. Maybe because I like abstractions and art itself.
Anyway I have no words to describe your work, only emotions.
Although, you wanted that reaction, right? ;)
I gotta admit I do like the reactions, yea. ;p

anyhow, I just made a quick update.

edited the flower, changed the box in the back and tried to add some more stuff.

I wil probably remove a couple of elements because they do not look good ingame.

Originally Posted by Tor1g0d View Post
A completely, absolutely, downright, flat out, infinitely, no ifs ands or buts, no joke, no strings attached, outright, purely,sheerly, utterly horrible fail. To be honest, I don't think ANYONE would want to steal this, in fact, I wouldn't steal it for 5 dollars, it would be a discrace to keep it in my "My Pictures" folder. 2/10 Congrats.

^Then what would be 1/10?

I like your painting. It's abstract and original. My only suggestion is try using more contrasting colors. I like the blending of the colors, but it's mostly orange and green... Just try using more colors. (:

And when you do, I'd like to have one to look at if you don't mind?
orange and green was the only parameter MrManiac gave me.
He wanted to style his tori that way.

That made it an extra challenge because I had to use so fucking many variations of the colors to highlight things.

I recently made another head with other colors you can look at.

I made that one for pedant
Last edited by Redundant; May 18, 2011 at 05:06 AM.
The colors are honestly, terrible. Orange and green don't blend well together.
It looks like there would be a seam on the back ingame.
The top will map badly.
Seriously, the colors.
It needs something to focus on and make it interesting. The heart sort of does it since it's more contrasted with the rest. In comparison to that, it's all blurred together and nothing stands out.
Everything else needs to be more clearly defined or else it just looks messy.

tl;dr : Needs more defined shapes, a focus, different color choice.
honestly I find this thread very amusing as well, and since I suggested this head I might as well clear up some things so people stop criticizing certain aspects

1. I told redundant to use mainly orange and green, I've always liked those colors together and if they clash, then I don't care
2. I also told him to go crazy with it, and he certainly delivered on that
3. the only thing it's missing is an actual face, but I told him that as well
4. if you /dl my tori you'll see that it fits with everything else I have activated (at least in my eyes)

also random fact, he also did my textured motion trails (except for the solid green ones of course)
you know i probably have to write a paragraph to post here butttt i quite like it idc if other people dont like its unique and the colors i think go great together flows nice and theres certain emotions i get from it quite enjoyed it.
friends are cool, but neopets are better.