Endurance Onslaught 6.0
you know what. you are one of the most petty people i have ever met splunk >.> your story sucks too lol. i accually found it funny though.

Last edited by Bezurker; Mar 20, 2008 at 03:51 PM.
Originally Posted by Bezurker View Post
you know what. you are one of the most petty people i have ever met splunk >.> your story sucks so hard.


dude, calm down. i almost got a ban from an insult like that... and its just a story... so calm down... lol

and yeah why UNCE?
why not SMASH I would like to see a story where i beat you
[23:19] <HebrewHamr> i'm catholic
lol i just read the story. you shouldn't really specify and specific clans...might get a powerful enemy...*points at UNCE*
ash...let me rephrase, by petty, i mean, this guy has been to over 15 clans in 2 months, pretty petty huh? and his story...well....really does suck. they layout of your front page is wayyy to bolded. BUT the only thing i CAN give you credit for, is the organization.
Good luck with this clan!!!

Oh my god, go FAIL a bit more, please. you suck!
I honestly hope this clan shrivles up and dies. so badly.

Oh and Splunker, no one likes you, you might as well leave Toribash, please.
Last edited by Anesthetik; Mar 23, 2008 at 04:23 PM.
First off.... PHEW! I'm back. Carrying my cross across the barren plains of despair, flagellating myself for hours after which nailing myself on the aforementioned cross...

Ok. Back to the board. I've been reading and researching and I see you guys shoot a lot of flak at splunker. Scratch that, you aimed an 88mm cannon at him an shot him like an unarmored glider.

Yes, he may lack the focus and follow through regarding forming clans, yes. But face it, we can't be all like UNCE, Kick or other well established clans. And, I don't know if he's disliked by EVERYONE in TB.... I like him (but that's just me, I can find something to like in a one eyed, one legged greasy beggar)

But this is no reason to flame out his attempts (numerous as they are)... Heck, I don't want it to die like that as much as he doesn't want it to die.

Toribash is a community as it is a game. Time to act like one, communities don't just exile one of their own. They treat them with respect. If not at least help them reach their best in and out of game.

Yay for the compliments! Although I can't read sarcasm without italics, I'll take it as it is

@Splunker: Yeah... the story does sound overkill