Well.. Nice banners.

Here is an example, i made this banner but now im looking for a new banner.
Hey Apple!
simple but nice one
im brainstorming :3 this is one idea

another idea

thats the legal size for toriprime... if you have torivip i can do it bigger... :3 everything is in vectorial so the size is not a problem

the max size for the immage sign: 450x100 for toriprime, 650x200 for VIP

I just saw now that you want a banner and not a sign immage... well... as i said i can make it big as you wish... just tell me the size if you like mines... and ofc i can change stuff if you dont like it :3
the languages i used are English, Japanese, Russian, Korean, Vietnamese
Last edited by Chikin; Feb 24, 2011 at 09:51 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Chicken, "TechStation" -> "ТехноСтанция" RUS . nice idea, but need to be finished.

Shtein, i guess you can do it better than others by yourself.. cough, nvm.. ^ ^
Originally Posted by nblx View Post
Chicken, "TechStation" -> "ТехноСтанция" RUS . nice idea, but need to be finished.

Shtein, i guess you can do it better than others by yourself.. cough, nvm.. ^ ^

-.-' orly?!