Originally Posted by Slith View Post
How is that taunting you, I was being civil. And you still kept being an ass.

Oh yes, I'm sure being patronizing after showing off your ability to kick me from the server is being civil.
Originally Posted by Vicid View Post
I would appreciate it if you pulled the server logs. I did tell them to ban me from jousting, but that was because I was upset over this abuse.

that makes all kinds of sense... you are pissy about being kicked so you ask to be banned...

also if your going to get screenies, try to get a bit of the chat...
I r Batdude.
I told them to ban me to prove to me that the mods in this game are all on some crazy power trip.

The point of my complaint is that I was wrongly and repeatedly kicked to the point where I'd say something like that.
I'm sorry I didn't know about pushing tab at the time. I think there's enough to justify pulling the chat logs. In those logs Hammer even tells me it is OK for mods to kick people for making them feel bad.
Originally Posted by Vicid View Post
I told them to ban me to prove to me that the mods in this game are all on some crazy power trip.

Erm,they complied with a request so they are on a power trip? Doesn't logically follow.

If you perhaps had screenshots showing more of the chat, you could more properly demonstrate what you mean by power abuse and "kicked for no reason."

Currently, Slith's argument is that you were being an asshat to other players, which IS against the rules.
where is this said "abuse"?

from what i saw all they were doing is kicking some jackass for being just that, a jackass.
I r Batdude.
Originally Posted by Vicid View Post
Oh yes, I'm sure being patronizing after showing off your ability to kick me from the server is being civil.

Well. Seeing as you asked to be kicked, I would concider it civilized. If you didn't ask to be kicked and kept your mouth shut, you never would have been kicked.
I'm sorry I didn't know about pushing tab at the time. I think there's enough to justify pulling the chat logs. In those logs Hammer even tells me it is OK for mods to kick people for making them feel bad.

No, he told you not to insult mods, or to piss them off... Which. Is good advice.
Last edited by Slith; Feb 13, 2008 at 06:28 AM.
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