After playing this game I can say this.

-Item mode is pretty balls, you have items that can stop you for 5 seconds~ which is a HUGE loss in a race.

-Going up stairs is a pain in the ass, you have to slide on your hands and it's all laggy and your bumping into shit when there is 8 people trying to get up the same little staircase.

-You go in a wrong direction, get stuck in a corner you are fucked, they have the worst backup system ever.

-Lots of boys with girl characters ( Like me :3 )

It's worth a try I guess.
Is it just me or do the controls just NOT work? I first noticed it for rope-climbing. I pressed up repeatedly, but nothing happens, yet sometimes (very rarely) it works. The same for wallrunning. Any ideas?
Dr. Gregory House
Verdict Member
Thanks,i also saw this like a month ago but it was for Korean players only,and i just happened to run into the First Look video from MMOHut.It seemed nice so i thought i should share it.And if you are downloading via client and your dl speed is low,pm me and il give u a direct link.

Smack Bitches.
