Hmmm.....the M15x/M17x could be a better choice by me

I'll just clear something up, my schooling I mean using like MS Word or some shit like that at home
oi m8 i rekt ur mum last nite
If you're using it at home and don't need to worry about battery life, then yes, get an M17X, it's a beast.

Might I link you to the unofficial alienware laptop forums, they are very helpful and have many tips and etc for alienware laptops.
Oh thanks for the site isaac, my mom now think it's a really good laptop...but is still gonna buy me the laptop at the end of my school year (AND IF I GET GOOD GRADES =/ damn)
oi m8 i rekt ur mum last nite
Holy shit she's buying it FOR you? Like wtf get good grades it's basicly $2k I think good grades is worth that wtf....

I would have gotten the m17X if I could afford it. The M15X plays most games on medium or high. I imagine you will enjoy the M17X.

But if you're just using it for home use, why not get a desktop? You get more bang for your buck.

I got a laptop because I cant afford to keep a desktop at my mom's house, my sister lives over there and mom has a pet rat that chews everything up. I can put my laptop up though where no one touches.

Glad I could help ^^
Erm.. yeah between you and me (and probably the rest of the forum XD) if my mom's away im gonna use it for gaming (unless there's like a project that i have to use) and dont worry bout the money, I'm thinking my dad's cousin from florida could cut it for us *cue evil smirk*
oi m8 i rekt ur mum last nite
Alright then for sure max out an M17X and check the forums that I linked you if you have any problems, they were the most help for me.

Tell me how it is btw when you get it...