Originally Posted by Nobuddie View Post
I am assuming that it'll fail hard compared to MW2 or COD4 in the beginning. Just like WaW did.

Treyarch isn't too good in my eyes.
And since IW got basically vaporized, I believe that there won't be any good COD game for a few years. ;B

WaW didn't fail that hard...
Originally Posted by LulzMaster View Post
they should do a multi player beta to get rid of most of the glitches, MW2 was terrible with that.

Originally Posted by TheCobra View Post
hope its gonna got awesome glitches^^

lol glitches suck, why whould you want them?
Originally Posted by CRASH3R View Post
After modern warfare 2, it feels call of duty lost it's edge, you shoot and kill stuff, i'm not expecting much from black ops, the series feels like it's dying finally and getting old.

Maybe, hope it doesnt though. And isnt the point of shooting games to shoot and kill stuff?
Originally Posted by TheCobra View Post
I would be so happy if they would add in an map builder where you can share your maps with your friends <3

Probly not gonna happen... sorry
Originally Posted by Onamist View Post

So not only is there going to be Black OPs, but there may also be at least another two CoD games. That will be 9 games in around 10 years. The CoD series may possibly be the most milked series of games ever.

Mario would like to have a word with you. 112 games and counting.

Also, if anyone is even considering buying this and giving their money to the demon god Kotick, then you really are the people killing the industry. It's just another rehash to a rehashed rehash. Generic propaganda bullshit that brings nothing new to the table.
sugoi montogami, aniki.
Well, they didn't even confirm dedis. The way they put it made it sounds like there would be, but it's just marketing talk. Sigh.
I've had WAY too many bad experiences with player hosted servers to buy another game without dedicated.

The engine is the same as the last three. :/ Graphics are about the same too. It's been over 2 years since mw1, you'd think they'd have made a bit more of an improvement since then.

My hopes for Black ops aren't too high. Treyarch has been look upon as the underdog between the two studios so maybe they'd try harder than IW. But in the end, it's "just another COD game"

Reminds me of Guitar hero, a new game every year with new content, but same old mechanics, same old formulaic game.

At least they don't need to do so much to be an improvement over MW2. Just add dedis, modability, better anticheat system, and I might consider it.
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Im waiting for the price to be knocked down once its avalible on stores.
Modern Warfare 2 was a good game so im expecting this one to be even better.
If anyone else actually played CoD from the start, you would see that it's not the same game over and over again, and that most of the things that seem cliche now were invented along the series.

Anyways, the treyarch ones are usually bad, I don't buy them.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
You know what I think they should crawl up a hole and die for not releasing it on PC. All other 8 games were released on pc... oh what's that there were 2 more on PC than Xbox and stuff? Dont they know where a quarter of their revenue comes from US DAMNIT US!
*rage over*

EDIT: oh wait never mind it was just the one site that said for Xbox360 & ps3. It didn't mention PC. But since it's not IW anymore maby they'll bring back dedicated server.
Last edited by Yourface; May 25, 2010 at 03:23 AM.
Originally Posted by mrninja View Post
jungle warfare and all its gonna be epic:D

I know a game like jungle warfare lol

Farcry 1,2

i have farcry 2 but farcry 1 should be the same in farcry 2 you shoot in many places jungel,city,Desert and many other^^

btw glitches dont suck i love glitches i love the one in bailout from the new cod mappack where you jump out of map on that windows^^