Hm... When we called the class phone during school, and asked to send a student to the main office, and he actually got sent to the main office.
Beta: YOU HAVE TO LOOK AT IT1!!! ITS LEGIT FULL 128! Morbon: joint textures and all? Beta: lol no fuck joint textures
Oh my god, this thread just sent like 20 kickass memories through my head. :'D

I thought it was pretty funny one day when my friend Aryam (Yeah he's hindu, but don't
judge him by the nerdy stereotype. If there was a hindu mafia, he'd probably be the
leader eventually.) and I were in A Period class, which was Earth Science and then this
girl was arguing with him because he thought Cheerios tasted better than Cocoa Crispies
(and I disagree with him). So she told him to "eat his pants" which is apparently a good
insult and so he stands up and yells "THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELLS ME TO EAT MY
PANTS" and the teacher goes into wtf mode and starts yelling stuff about how you
shouldn't yell stuff. He got sent to the dean who thought it was funny and so he came
back to class like 10 minutes later.

Gooooooooooood times.
my first one night stand ended up in a trip to A&E with concussion. i over did it a bit with the alcomahol 'cause i was so nervous and ...well lets just say that you should not drop lube on a wooden floor...
i can laugh now but it wasnt funny at the time i can assure you.
I was playing around in a wheel chair out in the yard, and my mom was on the porch smoking a cig.
And i noticed when some people drove by, they looked at me.
So i started to roll down this hill when people drove by. I found it hilarious, but my mom didn't
Anyways, i got back up on the hill waiting for a car to go by, and i heard one coming up the road.
I quickly pushed my self down the hill and started acting retarded, and then flipped out of the chair and landed on my face. (didn't hurt btw)
i kept acting retarded, and i noticed that car stopped and the guy almost got out. My mom came running and said 'he's ok he is just being a dumbass!'

So, that's the funnist thing that happened to me. at the time, it wasn't... got in trouble ._.
Aka jusmi.
My class mate (a girl) was having her period and our teacher said not to mind her.Since she was at the back,where our backs our,one of my classmates secretly brought red paint,she knocked it over and we all looked back.My teacher said clean it,then I went got a mop and cleaned it.Then,since it was an old mop,I angrily snapped it back up and,the mop and went to my face.And,then I got detention for breaking school property.
When 6th graders were singing at an assembley, I heard them sing "we are the pubic filling".
I'm back and stuff, it's probably temporary.
I got out of gymnastics practice.
Walked over to a van got in.
closed the door.
And turns out.
It was the wrong van.
And the lady driving it was like.
ahhhh... ummm...
wrong van i think....
Originally Posted by Boonana View Post
I got out of gymnastics practice.
Walked over to a van got in.
closed the door.
And turns out.
It was the wrong van.
And the lady driving it was like.
ahhhh... ummm...
wrong van i think....

Lol van fail.