Man, To Zanarkand is a great song.

Unfortunately, I played it 200+ times on osu! to get a perfect score with 2 mods. Awful song for a music game.


But to stay on topic, I love the Okami-soundtrack, love alot of chiptunes, and so on. Alot of other soundtracks, too, but I don't feel like putting up a list. Music is so important for the atmosphere in games, so there's nothing better than just the right music for a specific section. ;o

Oh, and Toribashs old soundtrack was cool too. Best shit I've ever heard tbh.

EDIT: One song that really stuck with me from the SNES-era was:

wiklund remade that song in chiptune, if you care enough to find it - it's called "we call it snus" (don't ask me why). ;o
Last edited by dalir; Apr 2, 2010 at 06:54 PM.
|11:33| »» [shark] so you're saying that you just paid 80 euros for pussy
|11:33| »» [Quit] [x] shark [] [Quit:]
Best theme is the little tune that it plays when you win on 'metal gear solid 1' and then it says impressive snake.

Brings back great memories, reminds me going up early after the day when big red Sandy Clawz came and gave me Donkey kong country 2 as a gift. It just got better when my elder brother woke up and we could play some co-op.

As for newer games I mostly enjoy the themes from the Rpg's of today, but there are of course exceptions.

Heroes of might and magic 5. A game which I first underrated, it is actually very great and I've lately started to replay it again, the music helps alot.

Ohh, I almost forgot...

Curse of Monkey Island. To me this is when the monkey island series were the greatest, schweet memories, yarr.

Pirate song from the same game:

Couldn't resist to add this as well, Grim Fandango is a great, great (!) game. Play it, if you can find it, they really should re-release this game, I would be so pleased, I think many others would be as well.
Dirt dosen't need luck
I'm a huge fan of epic music and just general RPG music.

First of all, the most nostalgia-inducing songs there are for me: (god, I love this one)

then there's some other favorites (notice that it's also by Jeremy Soule) (slow start)

That's just a couple of my favorites, there's probably plenty of other songs but I can't remember them or cba to find them

Originally Posted by Dashterror View Post

This tune is addicting as hell!

Especially if you press your headset agianst your ears.

brb going to play some Just Cause 2 now
Last edited by Mapleleaf; Apr 8, 2010 at 06:15 PM.