Addiction's only a problem when you let it beat you. I've quit multiple times in the past.

Before anyone questions why I started again I'll stop you, I can't quite explain it so well to someone who hasn't been there. Simply put when shit gets... well... shit, you recall what it was like, you remember the feeling. (told you this is hard to explain) At times it's just easier to give in, and since smoking is the lesser of the many habits I'd kicked it was the obvious choice to fall back on. I don't expect people to understand, you have to experience it to know.

I was waiting for the cancer argument to appear. TBH it doesn't bother me, and please don't be telling me that it will when it happens. Seriously, there's worse things in life than death & I've already seen more of life than I care to remember.

As for all you preachy non-smokers, you shouldn't point the finger at smokers. Sure we do something you don't approve of, and yeah we have a higher chance of cancer blah blah blah - but at the same time you're just as likely to get it from sitting in front of a tv or monitor for extended periods. Damn, I'm such a cheery guy.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
I think smokers sit in front of the TV more often then non smokers seeing from past experiences?

In front of the TV? No way.
We rather run a couple of blocks without losing our breath.

And you smokers smell like ass. I'm not insulting anyone... It's true. Just like if I smoked a gram of skunk in my bong and you guys said I smelled like ass, It's true.
Originally Posted by T0ribush View Post
I think smokers sit in front of the TV more often then non smokers seeing from past experiences?

In front of the TV? No way.
We rather run a couple of blocks without losing our breath.

And you smokers smell like ass. I'm not insulting anyone... It's true. Just like if I smoked a gram of skunk in my bong and you guys said I smelled like ass, It's true.

Lol, who weighs in grams? xD

Ive been smoking for a while, but Im fit as a fiddle. I fight nationally for the welsh team. Doesnt bother me in the slightest.

Yes, its expensive.

Yes, it makes you stink.

Yes, it carries health risks.


It does look cool.

You can always quit if you really want to.

And there is nothing like having a cigarette when youre having a shitty day and things get really stressful.
Im 15, Ive smoked alot but dont do it regurly. I would rather get wasted than to smoke though, thats just me. I also do snus and dip.MMMMMMMMM, dip.

Alcohol is Awsome, Us Wookies love our alcohol!
Originally Posted by Litto View Post
Moved to Wibbles, have fun.

I'm going to move this to RT if you don't mind. It's still a legitimate chit-chat topic.
Last edited by Guv_na; Feb 13, 2010 at 04:03 AM.
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He who was the butt of the joke reserves no right to say "that wasn't funny."

tried it when i was 14 or 15, can't remember. then i started buying my own packs. smoked regurarly for a while, quit, started smoking 1 cig a day, which i pretty much do now. a few cigs a week.

marlboro or corner, was the start-offs, iirc.
|11:33| »» [shark] so you're saying that you just paid 80 euros for pussy
|11:33| »» [Quit] [x] shark [] [Quit:]