Chrome actually has a beta site up called (ithink) which allows users using the DEV version of the browser to use extensions.

Atm most of them are buggy, and dont work, but i believe they are planning to make it just like firefoxes add-ons, but with dedicated devs, instead of user upload.

They also hope to have a suggestion box in which people can publicly suggest ideas, and other members can add on to these, in a forum based structure.

Having used chrome for a while now, and having used the chrome OS a little aswell, Id personally suggest this highly.

While you parents may not let you use firefox, that would be my second option, due to the amount of safety features, and useful add-ons such as scriptblock, which will ensure you computer is safe at all times.

Hope i helped you decide.
Why are people still posting here? Sly already said he picked a browser. There's no need to post here anymore, it's all offtopic now.
i liek turtelz xd