Originally Posted by hhu80 View Post
gimp just because i know how to use i ti have both ps and gimp but i cant stand ps because it takes longer to load but it is much better in the quality.

Haha, Gimp takes longer to load than Photoshop for me.

Originally Posted by IceShadow View Post
Haha, Gimp takes longer to load than Photoshop for me.

Lol same.

PS is better, it's more efficient and controlable.

i wub u lSl :D
[vibe] [ORMO] [GATA]

I'd say their the same. GIMP is easier to use and has free control, whilst Photoshop uses filters/scripts and other forms, and is harder to get a hold of, but once you have it far surpasses GIMP, unless the person using GIMP has worked out some epic style. :>

Also, I use GIMP.
Yeah, i'm the Boxman
<~ishi> damnit ishi where are you.

I prefer to use gimp, just because its that much easier, and is pretty understandable.

I think you can do the same in gimp, as you would in photoshop, but photoshop is just easier to make stuff.

Also, people who are saying "PHOTOSHOP IS BETTER BECAUSE IT COSTS MONEY", money doesn't make something better, just means that it costs money.
Well obviously Photoshop is gonan be better
But GIMP is free and in my opinion alot easier to use,so if you don't have any money than get GIMP but if you're able to get Photoshop,get it
I am by spatula is my nose my prized bear spaghetti
Oh god. When will society see that because another person says, 'HEY IT'S FREE AND EASY TO USE!' doesn't mean it is better, or easier to use than another program.

Photoshop, with a one hour online course, will become the easiest program to use for you.

If you still can't afford/use/work/learn Photoshop, then GIMP is for you. But if you have Photoshop, learn to use it, it will help you in the long run whether or not you are serious about graphics design or art.
GIMP can do anything Photoshop can do. Really. It's just a free solution in a GNU environment. It's like Windows/Apple versus Linux. You can't say one is better because it costs a heap of money. It's personal preference, and only that.

The compitability of GIMP is better than PS's, but Photoshop has a few shortcuts that GIMP doesn't have. From an objective point of view, I'd say they're equally good. From a subjective point of view, I prefer GIMP, because I've gotten used to it. Simple as that.
Originally Posted by MurraY View Post
Ps is $400. Also, I doubt everyone with P-Shop on these forums payed for it, but I don't know where they got it.

Anyways, GIMP is cooler.

PS is..slightly better, but very hatable.

they got a keygen....as in who on earth would pay 400 dollars for it
put your text here! only 50 a week
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