Originally Posted by Zapachu View Post
I think I'll chill out 'till 2012. I'm the cruisy type. If it happens it happens. If it doesn't it doesn't.

YOU have the chance to change the future, YOU have the chance to protect yourself. If not that is your own fault
This crap is weird, if the earth gets knocked off its axis we all die.. The earth will lose the control of it's self and just go out in orbit 50x faster then it is doing now. That will then cause gravity to get stronger and the oxygen level will drop, then when that happens people will be getting killed from to much gravity and killed from no oxygen.
Originally Posted by Wonderz View Post
This crap is weird, if the earth gets knocked off its axis we all die.. The earth will lose the control of it's self and just go out in orbit 50x faster then it is doing now. That will then cause gravity to get stronger and the oxygen level will drop, then when that happens people will be getting killed from to much gravity and killed from no oxygen.

The gravity of a planet depends on it's size, and why would the oxygen go away?
Last edited by danjrdood; Oct 25, 2009 at 01:41 AM.
Originally Posted by Zip0 View Post
There are many People who are taking very cautious steps to 2012,
I found a few sights selling equipment that would help for survival. There seems to be many different reasons and explications, Meteorites are definitely outcasted for those with "stupid" minds.

But tsunamis and floods sound very reasonable. What cautions would the goverment take on this Day 2012?

You are taking this WAAAY to seriously.

How the fuck could you take cautious steps to 2012 or ""the end of the world". It's the end of the world, man, like a bunker could save you.
Originally Posted by caff View Post
cretor was probably joking culapou,
on a topic related note, I believe in this 2012 thing about as much as I beleived in Y2K which is not at all.

I was. Its a joke I tell everyone that gets all worried and spreads stupid rumors. So its possible those facts are true, big woop. Nothing is going to happen. And if I'm wrong? Who cares? We'll all be dead anyway =P.
Vibacious - - Get vibin'

Originally Posted by RicH View Post
You are taking this WAAAY to seriously.

How the fuck could you take cautious steps to 2012 or ""the end of the world". It's the end of the world, man, like a bunker could save you.

It is not the end of the world, It is just a day that will not be forgotten,
Originally Posted by Zip0 View Post
It is not the end of the world, It is just a day that will not be forgotten,

Again pointing out that you are taking this way too seriously. If you think of it, we must not think that the end of a calendar means it's the end of the world or in your terms "a day that will not be forgotten".