Originally Posted by liam217 View Post
Favorite Mods:Taekkyon, Judo, Wushu
How you will benefit this clan: I think I will benefit the clan by being active, i'll donate if we have a bank and i'm a good player and will help in clan wars.
Past clans:DAv(died, ask zanzaba),YES(died, ask Zacsterr), Raid(I was kicked for paying the clan back late, i did end up paying the clan back)
Past run ins with the law: 1 Useless Post from Fyyerblad? 1 Illegal Bump from Hanz0.

Thanks Guys,

EDIT: I go to boarding school, just thought you might like to know. It restricts my activity a little bit, but i recently have bought a wireless broadband stick for my laptop so my activity should increase.

Good app. I like the past clans you were in. Make sure to be as active as possible if you get in though.

I would say yes but, I know it's not my decision.
º7th Dan Black Beltº
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Uhh, i'm beginning custom menus actually ill show you a pic nao and you my only bad rep would be this incident with Raid, but in true honesty i think they over-reacted.

i'm only beginning
UssR Member
pretty good i guess, but there is something about that makes me feel unsure, ill leve it in the hands of our good friends, the elites and above
Alright. Final verdict renkai on testing him?

Btw possibly here(80%)
[eVo]LtKenny- Huh... Cocks are fun to play with...
[eVo]LtKenny- If your name is Zackarie!
kntornsrin- Swing and a miss >.>
i wasn't really a trouble maker, i got along with everyone in the clan. i only repayed that 5k late and they kicked me. does that make me a troublemaker?
UssR Member