Originally Posted by DavidFee View Post
Most of this is just you telling us storys about how cool you are making people look stupid or bullying them. Nice

Everyone thinks you are all really tough.

BlackBear: I think that fatass you mentioned is either an epic troll or a complete retard.
Alright, a short story. Like, very short.

We had PE, and had been running on 85% for 30 minutes. Everyone was tired as hell, and I'm not known for having the world's best stamina. So I breathed heavy, sort of like a walrus. When speaking of walrus, the laziest girl ever, who uses "My knee hurts, therefore I can't run" as an excuse when we're running. Apparently, the doctor told her so. I'm having a breather, and she jogs/walks past (Of course, she couldn't run the normal course, so she just walked and jogged around, having "breathers" on five minutes every second minute. So, two minutes walk, five minutes pause.). She says:

"Come on, now. We're soon finished!".

You can't believe how annoying that is. When someone in better shape than me does so, it's alright. But when the laziest person ever walks past and talks to you as if you were worth less than them, bloody hell. That's annoying.

Also, while I'm at it, I can tell another story!

In Norway, when pupils get to 13th grade, they are "russ". They're celebrating the fact that their school life is nearly over. However, Norway also has a way for carpenters and lumberjacks to go. They go 12 years of school, and two of apprenticeship. Those guys were so sad because they didn't get a russ-period. So they made one (A few years ago, mind). They're called black-russ, as opposite to the intellectuals, who wear red caps, thus being called red-russ.

Anyway, they were arranging a "Terror-day". Do something, or get punished. This time, it was "Boys: Wear make-up. Girls: Don't." (The fact that the penalty was nothing compared to the original action is another story). I put on a little warpaint around my eyes. Clearly visible.

And when this tiny little prick comes to check if I have any, he watches around my eyes, then pulls forth a marker. He puts a line on my cheek. Not that this is bad, but it's the principle.

I snort, twist my eyebrows and call him an Untermensch. He looks a tad puzzled, and moves on.

Blimey, this story wasn't so short after all. Anyway, interesting topic.

Stories marked in italic, whilst the explanations are normal.
Originally Posted by NutHug View Post
There is actually a disease. Hypothyroidism and it isn't very rare either. You insensitive brick.

So exercising is too hard of a thing to do?


"How is it treated?
Doctors usually prescribe thyroid hormone pills to treat hypothyroidism. Most people start to feel better within a week or two. Your symptoms will probably go away within a few months. But you will likely need to keep taking the pills for the rest of your life.

It's important to take your medicine just the way your doctor tells you to. You will also need to see your doctor for follow-up visits to make sure you have the right dose. Getting too much or too little thyroid hormone can cause problems."

And why so mean D:
Exercising is not helping much and the health insurance is only paying medication for severe cases. Even if you are like really close to a severe case you have to pay that stuff for yourself which is quite expensive according to a friend of the mom of my ex gf and one girl I know. It's too funny. She's like the thinnest person I know and everyone teased her when she put on 2kg. She had other symptoms like being tired and so on. She went to the doc and he diagnosted hypothyroidism. She takes pills now.
I don't like those excuses either. But there is the possibility.
Actually I just wanted to annoy you. RAWR.
Last edited by NutHug; Sep 18, 2009 at 03:59 PM.
Oblivion: that wasn't hilarious
Oblivion: it was brilliantly complex though
Oblivion: hands down man
Oblivion: today I genuinely believe more than I ever did before
Oblivion: that you are better than me
Oblivion: gg NutHug

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Lol i don't want to try and insult anyone but some of you could be making this up. if you are truly telling the truth im sorry i just want to explain. this is a fake story but if i didnt say it was fake you would believe it.

There was this guy 3 years older than me, i was in playground with mates when he came up and pushed me. so i turned round and hit him and threw him to the ground. he gets up and calls me a fag so i kick him to stomach and punch him.Now i am the best fighter in my year

If i hadn't said it was a lie you would probably have believed me.
And why, may i ask, are you telling us this?

Anyhoo, when it comes to annoying fucks in school, i've met PLENTY. Back in primary/elementary/whatever you call it, i knew FAR more faggots than i knew nice people. And this wasn't just in my god-awful class, no, it spanned across the entire fucking school. Most annoying idiots seemed to believe that I was the one they should mock. Not once, but TWICE have people nearly shoved their dicks into my face. I've also been provoked into direct rage several times, meaning that i totally lost all control due to anger. ONE EXAMPLE:

I was in needlework (sewing and stuff) class, which also happened to be a pretty sucky class in my opinion. I was just minding my own business, shrugging off a taunt here and there, but suddenly, one of the fucks in my class threw a ball of yarn at my head, hitting me right in the temple. It might not sound like much, but believe me, it was clearly done to piss me off. Which it did. I charged after the idiot in rage, who (cleverly enough) quickly dragged out a chair on the run, right into my path. Being angry, i didn't notice it before i crashed into it and bruised my lower leg, after which my rage wore off.

Other examples of rage include:
- Kicking a soccer ball at my head, followed by kicking my backpack.
- Whipping me on the left eye with a dishcloth
- Constant, severe and incredibly obvious annoyance, which my teacher didn't even notice. After i told him to stop them, he was all "WHAT DID THEY DO LOL" when they were obviously severely provoking me the last half hour.

This hasn't just been for one or two years, but seven. And some people wonder why i'm often seclusive.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
And why, may i ask, are you telling us this?

Dont be such and asshole i was just saying people over the internet who usually say stuff about them beating someone up some of them are just saying it to sound tough. And shook is what bullying, because if they are smaller and cant fight hit one of them if not then contact teacher and some of those things are really bad you could probably get the police involved. my old school bullies did stuff less then that and the police got involed
Originally Posted by mark2766 View Post
Dont be such and asshole i was just saying people over the internet who usually say stuff about them beating someone up some of them are just saying it to sound tough.

Yeah. Sorry 'bout my reaction, i guess. I think i was in a bad mood. >.>
But as for police involvement? No could do. They've got better things to do than to deal with idiots in school, and besides, they wouldn't get punished by law unless they were 15+ years old, in which case they would get a fine at most. And that would require evidence and what not. Long story short, it wouldn't be worth the trouble. Most of them will end up in the gutter, anyways. Serves them right, because i've become emotionally destabilized by their crap. :|
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Originally Posted by Galrath View Post

BlackBear: I think that fatass you mentioned is either an epic troll or a complete retard.

If he was trying to troll me, he was godawful at it. Sorta like the trolls on #toribash, except with an attitude problem.
[17:02] <Homer> anyone up for some tb?
01[17:09] <BlackBear> No.
[17:12] <Homer> >.>
[17:13] <Dafe> TB is what killed Doc Holiday.