Endurance Onslaught 6.0
alright sweet. I always thought it was last logged in but ya learn new things everyday
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!
Finally I don't need hol anymore!

Ruby, bad time for everything but since I'm having a mid-life crisis with tc, Ming paying that 750 you owe me? Much appreciated.

Flamesy I don't know how Krulls thought this was a bad idea, its brilliant! This could get our members more forum active,too!

(Must tell me when that book gets, I'll be on the hunt for quotes in the meantime)

before tho ends wanted to da won 6k worth of tc yesterday, half way there Bro if you read this.
Don't believe in a cripple cause he'll prove you wrong.
I'm officialy the derpest of all derpers, went to see if there's a confirm button for quit clan. Turns out there isn't -_-
•[Wapow]••Flame••Error••Hattersin••Cheshyre••BetxOnxM e•
(Secrets of the king clan)

Krulls wiped his face and eyes clear of sweat. He was on his break. It's only
sixty seconds, after all, that's how long he can take. That's the rule. Ignoring the loud screaming coming from the other room, he poured himself a glass of water and guzzled it.

Once his minute was over, he ventured back into the other room. The people inside shrieked in fear. Krulls thought about who he wanted to pick next out of the bunch. After some deliberation, he chose to punish Seth93z first. After all, he had lost a clan war today. He needed some discipline. He needs to know that

WAPOW does not lose.

Krulls walked over to Seth. "So, I hear you lost a war today." He said angrily, picking up a severed limb from someone, probably Pimpkilla, and mashing his teeth into the bloody meat. "What does WAPOW do?"

Seth whimpered and whimpered on, refusing to respond to Krulls' question. "I asked you a QUESTION!" Krulls yelled violently. He lunged for Seth's head
and began to dig out his left eyeball. "The faster you respond, the better chance you have at keeping your sight."

Seth screamed. "We win! We conquer! We dominate! WAPOW!"

Krulls stopped and smiled. "Good. And you know the punishment for making
us look bad, don't you?" He turned his eyes to the corner of the room, where a bruised and bloodied Flamesmash sat, unconscious. Krulls looked the husk of a tori dead in the eye. It was sad, but it was his job. He had orders. After all, if WAPOW went down, what would happen to the clan council? What would happen to Toribash?

He tried to resist the changes at first, that's how he lost his nose. His nose bones poke out of the front of his face, giving him sort of a skeletal appearance. Of course things got tougher. You win or you feel pain. Many of his disciples had refused to take the pain and left WAPOW. Of course, they were never seen again. Though, occasionally around different dojos, you can see what looks like the rotting flesh of those quitters. But hopefully you haven't, or you'll meet their fate.

Krulls wiped his face and eyes again. He had started doing that. It had become a habit. At this point he'd lost hope. He started to even enjoy the beatings. They became more brutal, and more broad. Inactivity was a leg. A shamed thread was an ear. And if you argued too much, it was only fitting that you'd get your jaw removed.

It had been a long day for Krulls at the daily grind. But, that's the price you pay when you rule the most successful clan in Toribash history. It might look like glory and heroism on the outside, but inside, WAPOW is made up of normal Toris like you, who have been beaten and conditioned into being nothing but soldiers.

Life is simple in WAPOW. You do what you're told, or you face agony. Seth has many long hours ahead of him, and Flamesmash's teaching will resume when he awakens. Of course, then comes the killing of Jonesie, having lost two wars. He already has had all limbs removed, but Krulls has left him in the basement to wallow in pain. He'll be an example for now. An example for Krulls to show the new recruits, when the time is right.

Of course, sometimes Krulls has regretted his choices. The feeling of guilt hit
him like a truck. But there is no quitting. Or else he'd have to face Gynx again.

Shackled in tight chains were the rest of WAPOW, watching along in fear. The
new recruits witnessed the true horrors behind the curtain. They saw the inner workings of the clan that kills all clans. Krulls laughed.

They'll be used to it soon.

Win. Conquer. Dominate.

Boerhae, making a glorious return!
Great story.
I am impressed by your creativity and it made me laugh out loud.

Your representations of me and my clan mates were spot on!
You really know how to get into my psyche and pull at the heart strings.

The Wars will continue!
Win. Conquer. Dominate... or punishment awaits.