Oook kilz no sorry, leandro no sorry, ornit gotta give me that rank, and scream is in. And lunatic if your sick of being hated then id suggest not coming on our thread and complaining about a clan your not in...
Last edited by batbuscus; Aug 5, 2013 at 12:10 AM. Reason: lunatic is an idiot
The Man, The Myth, The Buppies
Global rank:902
Best mod:Akido Big Dojo
Reason you want to join:I know alot of people in your clan :3 Im a really good player, A former leader and I contribute alot to clans, And im likeable.
Skype(If you have one, please leave it below):Naruto33317
Age: 12
Belt: Black
Global rank: 6280
Best mod: Judo.tbm
Reason you want to join: Well i really like the clan name and i think you have a sexy community
Skype(If you have one, please leave it below): white.j3za

Want any Graphics? | PM ME!
Originally Posted by batbuscus View Post
Oook kilz no sorry, leandro no sorry, ornit gotta give me that rank, and scream is in. And lunatic if your sick of being hated then id suggest not coming on our thread and complaining about a clan your not in...

TheLunatic is right, as you must admit, and if you have a look at other clans first post, it's a lot more 'professional' and explaining. It's a great name, and i'm sure it can go far, but try updating the first post a little, see if you can get it looking fab. Otherwise, i am submitting myself as single allies. Good luck! (:
Moderator of your Shadow
` Unforgiven `
Hello all fellow [Insane] members , i have thought about some things and i have decided that i will leave the clan....If you want i will be your ,,Single Ally,, and i hope that for all of the friends i have in insane (BloodyCups,KittehKat,batbuscus,Destroyy and era) will understand my desicion and i hope we can still be in contact. Goodbye.
Dubstep is my power , and killing is my sport
Belt:3rd dan
Global rank:currently 20k :/ i've been under 250 anyways
Best mod:abd, spar, parkour
Reason you want to join:i want to be INSANE!
Skype(If you have one, please leave it below):Frogy200

Age: 13
Belt: Black
Global rank: 5877
Best mod: Judo
Reason you want to join: Ah Reason is why there are many people here that I really like, for example the Bat, and Kitt, Creation too, but not so much XD And to help the clan to the maximum
Skype(If you have one, please leave it below): leandrodopb ( LeandroZkT ) - I'm From Brazil
Last edited by LeandroBR; Aug 13, 2013 at 01:16 AM.