Originally Posted by IIInsanEEE View Post
Well my last achievement was to automate my laziness:

My commute time is 02:30h with chartered bus, 3~4h if I use other methos. Since 4 months ago I'm sleeping 3 or less hours per night in workdays, so I was getting late all the time. I created a simple arduino system that detects if I'm still at my room at 05:15 (limit to get a shower and dress up without being late), If I am then I'll obviously be late, then an USB light turns on, uber starts on my smartphone with "Work" selected (but not requested) and outlook sends a message to my boss telling him to not worry that I'll be there in 2 or so hours.

EDIT: It's not very polished, sometimes the infrared doesn't work or the uber request fails and the e-mail is not sent, but hey!

That's awesome lol, proof that laziness stimulates creativity.

I wanted to post this when I first saw IIInsanEEE's post 4 weeks ago, but I was too lazy to type using my phone.
I was once asked to grab a Swedish fish snack that was on my lap, for my friend, and in a matter of 15 seconds I had the snack in my hand and fell asleep before I could give it to him
Buying TCs for good rates starting the 3rd of every month. Pm if interested.
I've been waiting 3 months to got to the doctors and get my ingrown toenail fixed. It's pretty gross now.

I'll go eventually.
Over the summer, I went skimboarding at the beach. I'm not very good at skimboarding. Long story short, I rolled my ankle and dropped onto it so hard I ripped tendons and it felt like it broke. I felt really stupid.

I really, really did not feel like going to the doctor, for the sole reason that I didn't want them to poke and pry at it to see what happened. So, I just stayed on my dad's crutches for the next two months or so. I still feel some pain when I go out to skate with it, and I don't try more difficult tricks because I feel like my ankle's weak. I pretty much stick to curbs and basic tricks.

Fuck doctors, though, it was worth it.
Last edited by Kahn; Sep 29, 2016 at 08:27 PM.