That woodwork made me make up my mind to buy a tablet. Anyone know a good-but-not-too-expensive brand?

The idea with bugs/moss sounds good. I like how the wood has a LoZ-Wind Waker-ish feel to it, yet is also somewhat realistic with the detailing. For some ideas, perhaps a centipede or maggot crawling out of one of the head holes, or some termite damage near the back.
Maybe this tree's been through shit, so some scratch marks from a bear or a buck marking it's territory. Some sap oozing out could also be fun.
Eye-scars are always cool, so perhaps a split in the bark going down one eye.

Just some ideas I had looking at your WIP; I hope something was useful.
When it comes to tablets, its not really what brand or whatever, its the capabilities. As long as its comforable, has pressure sensitive and has good reviews its fine. I bought mine for £2.50 in a sale and it does to job fine, as you may see.

As for the ideas, immaculate. That's the kind of inspiration I needed!
Thank you so much!

As for the latest WIPs:


Last edited by Monobi; Jul 22, 2011 at 01:02 AM.
"Anything running perfectly is running like clockwork."
Ok, made my personal head texture. I want people to see this, and see me. This is now my identity.

PS: I know there is a lot of work to do on it, but I've got so many projects I'm releasing it at a stage I feel adequate enough yet not perfect.
Last edited by Monobi; Jul 26, 2011 at 11:11 PM.
"Anything running perfectly is running like clockwork."
Wow these heads are awesome! They are all mapped so well.

Gusta made me smile ^_^

how the heck did you find a tablet for 2.50 though?!?! Was that a typo?
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]
The Megadoomer request head is coming along great!
I think you need some colour variation, and some more contrast though.

How do you get such nice texture on the wood? It is so nice.
I really want to learn how to get that stylised painted look, pretttyyy
The wood in your last wip... it's epic :o
There's nothing much to say. I really like the level of details in the head and how well it all blends together.
I am really looking forward to see it finished.
Also, you made me want to get a tablet too ;D
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
I got mine from a charity shop. Aha! £5 for two, so me and a friend bought them and shared the cost.

Thanks gorman! To get the painted effect, I use a dark grey brush at 80% opacity, draw each grain line, sharpen at 30% lightly and then blur at 17% set to lighten. Brings out the contrasts more, and the sharpen/blur gives back basically what I draw with more contrast. This is without the major highlights, I must add. Those will be done when I get the shadows right first.

On the subject of Me Gusta, the head turned out really well but at first I thought it was lacking something. To get a more realistic look I added more than a handful of blemish around the head with a black brush on a separate layer set to overlay. It really brought a sense of humanity to it - to err is human.
Last edited by Monobi; Jul 27, 2011 at 09:43 AM.
"Anything running perfectly is running like clockwork."
I'm loving megadoomer, tho the area left to the mouth... meh =/ looks more like a smudge, i think you should add a harder light on the top part, to give it a round'ish effect, just my opinion tho :P it's still awespectacularisome
I'm Tasty and I know it.
I like Rocks.