Originally Posted by Ishi View Post
powerstone 2 will kill yoooouuu


Dreamcast was the best console in the world ever, hands down. First console outside Japan with internet connectivity. Second console to use a freaking PORTABLE GAMES SYSTEM IN ITS OWN RIGHT as a memory card (the first being the PocketStation, which was shit and only supported one noteworthy game). Also note; Ikaruga, ChuChu Rocket, SoulCalibur, TrickStyle, Toy Commander, Crazy Taxi, Ecco The Dolphin: DotF, and motherfucking JET SET RADIO!!!!

Three rules of Q - 1. Qegola and Quarantine both start with Q. 2. There is no U in Qegola. 3. Qegola is you new god.

So a man walks into a bar with a monkey. I forgot the rest of the joke but your mom is a whore.
there is no best console, just different game favourites.

I love the old consoles.

N64 favourite game, perfect dark.
Dream cast favourite game: unreal tournement.

the systems are really just what you like to do in games.

wii is for 20-40 year old women who want to pay 50$ for a piece of plastic.

the PS# is good with graphics and, well, I have only played one PS3 game GTA 4 so I can't really comment.

from what I can tell the Xbox 360 is the best console for shooters.

if you want simple fun games, go to your local pawn store or dig around in your basement and dust off your nintendo. or dreamcast.

but come on who can honestly say they never played a N64.
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
Originally Posted by Loachflava View Post

ok.....I agree that is a good console but please, state your reason
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
Originally Posted by Qegola View Post

Dreamcast was the best console in the world ever, hands down. First console outside Japan with internet connectivity. Second console to use a freaking PORTABLE GAMES SYSTEM IN ITS OWN RIGHT as a memory card (the first being the PocketStation, which was shit and only supported one noteworthy game). Also note; Ikaruga, ChuChu Rocket, SoulCalibur, TrickStyle, Toy Commander, Crazy Taxi, Ecco The Dolphin: DotF, and motherfucking JET SET RADIO!!!!


yes unfourtunately, it picked the worst date to release. any sega fan knows this story if you don't I will explain.

basicly, when Nintendo and sega were in a constant struggle over the video game market, nintendo tried to team up with sony to make a cd add on for the super nintendo. that created the PSone. so now you have

the SNES
the PS one ( which was the best at the time, graphics wise )
and the sega saturn.

the sega saturn came out after the SNES but shortly therafter, the psone came out. sega was beaten again.

the N64 then came out in 1996 ( I believe )
then in a brilliant flash of..... awsome-ness the dreamcast came out.

it came out in 1998 in japan and 1999 in north america. and in 2000 in Europe.

1999. one year before the PS 2. the PS 2 was released in the year 2000.
it had a dvd player and was actually cheaper then a standard dvd player.

it also had internet capability.

basicly, the PS 2 shot the dreamcast right between the eyes.

no nintendo waited for the dust to settle and realeased th gamecube. about a more powerful as the dreamcast. soon the dreamcast became a distant memory. it seemed sony would takeover but wait! then again in 2001, the xbox came out and now, the fight is between sony, and microsoft.

nintendo fans don't cry, it's just that hardcore gamers usually want games with good graphics. I'm not saying that the wii sucks, I think it's great.
I mean from nintendo you ave mario, link and samus. and from third party developers you errr thats it?)

there you go. a piece of video game history for you. *sigh* sega's own consoles are now a faded memory only to be relived by retro collecters. ( like me )
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
God the worst console would probably be the VirtualBoy.

Fonzie be with you.
oh yeah, didn't that give you seizers if you played it too long?
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
Originally Posted by Paralyzer View Post
i have to say xbox360, im not one to say that the ps3 and wii suck its just i personally like the games and community on the xbox360. Hell i had a wii for like 6months and really injoyed it when you have a few friends over.

its really a matter of taste. i have a wii and 360, and there are good games on the wii, but nintendo does need to pick up the pace and stop fucking around with thier balance boards and all this other crap they're doing. they dont realize that they've alienated thier old fans. also im ok with them releasing minigame compilations, just tone it down and there has to be some kind of quality control.

as for 360 ive only had it since last christmas, but its great, its exclusives are awesome, its got many games and live is awesome. my only complaint really is its the only online service that has a monthly fee