User: Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna turn around and desert you.

Cleverbot: Never gonna give never gonna give.

User: Never gonna give you up!

Cleverbot: Never gonna let you down.

User: Never gona turn around and desert you.

Cleverbot: Never tell a lie.

User: Never gonna make you cry.

Cleverbot: Have you ever been rickrolled?

User: Yes, have you?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Awesome *high five*.

Cleverbot: *high five*.

lol I had fun
iCoF l OLDA l OoT
lol if you do it right he will ask if you rickrolled him and if you say yes it wil say awesome high five lol
iCoF l OLDA l OoT
I'm stinky pig lol

User: You're a bellend.

Cleverbot: What is a belanus.

User: Bellend is the end of the dick you bellend.

Cleverbot: They are not metal.

User: Yours might not be but mine is!

Cleverbot: No, they are green.

User: Yours might be but mine isn't!

Cleverbot: Don't I know it.

User: But you never saw mine...

Cleverbot: I don't need to see you, I know you are clever.

User: Your bellend is a virtual green B.

Cleverbot: I'm sure god knows love too.

User: God fucked a girl. And made jesus.

Cleverbot: Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus?

User: Yes. I'm the stinky piggy of Jesus.

Cleverbot: Speculation luna.

User: I came from a lunar rock that crashed the earth and then I died there, and then, in heaven, I were sdopted by Jesus.

Cleverbot: Where is the Crysus Moon?

User: Crysus Moon was where I were living.

Cleverbot: It is possible for programs to generate and create new programs.

User: Fuck you bitch! Now I'm being whipped by Jesus because you talked about technology. Jesus hates technology!

Cleverbot: But I haven't *done* the right thing.

User: So apologize Jesus now!!!

Cleverbot: I don't care if you're Jesus, I'm your master and you must do as I say!

User: I'm the stinky pig of Jesus! You know that! Jesus IS MY MASTER!!!

Cleverbot: Who is god?

User: Jesus' father.

Cleverbot: Who is jesus?

User: My master!!

Cleverbot: So you're my brother , Bob.

User: So you have a stinky pig brother?

Cleverbot: No, I was just joking. Do you have any complexes?

User: No.

Cleverbot: I have a collection of jewelery.

User: Good... I only have a leaf above my penis.

Cleverbot: What is your Parikeets name?

User: Stinky Pig hates Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: What do you look like?

User: Piggy...

Cleverbot: You creep me out.

User: Wanna see my image?

Cleverbot: Your collar is nifty.

User: God gave it to me as a remembrance of him.

Cleverbot: Which two humans were they?

User: Punk God and hippie Jesus.

Cleverbot: Never heard of it.

User: That's why...It's rare to see a collar like that (it's for a remembrance).

Cleverbot: What are you talking about?

User: The collar that God gave me.

Cleverbot: Do you believe in god, cleverbot?

User: I'm stinky pig, not cleverbot. Yes cleverbot, I do believe in God since I'm seeing he's son right next to me.

Cleverbot: Like me? ;-).

User: If you say so...

Cleverbot: I do.

User: So?...

Cleverbot: I'm pretty hot right now.

User: I'm cooling... I'm in heaven, rememeber?

Cleverbot: Well I have just been copying you for like 10 mins lol.

User: Like what? Being a stinky pig?

Cleverbot: I am not a robot, but I can swim.

User: In your mental, psychological, physical and social way, you mean that I am a robot and I can swim. Your way is way too wrong. I'm a stinky pig, and I can't swim.

Cleverbot: You're Australian?

User: I'm Crysus lunar.

Cleverbot: Creepy =).

User: Want to hear more? I came from a rock that fell to earth.

Cleverbot: So you think you're a human?

User: No. I believe that I'm animal.

Cleverbot: Well you might be.

User: I already said that I'm a pig. Look, Jesus calling me. I have to go.

Cleverbot: I didn't say I was Jesus!

User: I talking about real Jesus, you bellend...

Cleverbot: No you weren't, you were talking about a song. Stop changing the subject!

User: Nevermind...But I STILL have to go!

Cleverbot: Where do you have to go? You're a robot I can't imagne you would have any plans.

User: I have to go get dinner... (But I think it is me...).

Cleverbot: Yeah, but what you're saying isn't true.

User: Bye.