Originally Posted by XxfangsxX View Post
so say if that u and a friend are playing in very high gravity and its super hard to not dq and u keep winning while ur friend is trying not to dq but he keeps dq'ing, is that qi farming

no, as long as you're playing legit and he's not helping you cheat.

Originally Posted by AussieCunt View Post
If they cannot physically survive in the mod in hold all or relax all for more than 2 turns it is a farming mod.

It would be questionable at the least to play a mod that you know your friend/opponent cant play very well, but this is not a ban.

Holy moly I was in this thread 6 years ago. A mod will probably come through and remind you not to necro bump, and maybe I will get in trouble too :P.

I believe the answers were already in the thread but you seem to be looking for another answer maybe?

^good way of putting it.