Re: Xbox360 Gamerscore!
Originally Posted by freakboy50
if you need help with the last boss i can help in gears of war the guy with the kryell

You're talking about General RAAM, i'm sure people would be more confident if you knew his name... XD
Well I completed GoW on insane, single-handed. It took me 3 trys at RAAM, but he died just like the rest

[I'll update my gamerscore, when i can get to my Xbox, i'm currently at work. Although I complete RS:Vegas, and Lost Planet yesterday, still playing with DOAX2... ]
Re: Xbox360 Gamerscore!
This double post is used both as a bump and an update.

[I hit 9,000! Thanks to eragon. Terrible gameplay, but great for achievements ]
Re: Xbox360 Gamerscore!
This'll be a triple post, although They were a few months apart, so does it really count?
anyway all I called to say this time is that i'm finally connected to Live, i'll update my G-score, and my Gamertag on the first page

it's; xBloodkitty
anyone can add me, just send me another message saying you are from Toribash forums.

Got Xbox 360 a while ago but just got the Live working.

My gamertag is Proqzoz (I didn't chose the name). I'm sharing the account with my brothers so it may not always be me :P

I've only got 2 games so far; Gears Of War and Guitar Hero III.

Edit - Sorry for the necro but I thought it was better to post in the original thread than start a new thread about my gamertag.
Last edited by Esse; Jan 30, 2008 at 07:24 PM.
appleCORED-score is like 1440 i think

i play halo3 shadowrun and OrangeBox
TeamSambo - [ R A W R ] - BnW

lets not on xboxlive cuz of my dad so lets see>.>
gamer score:2,702
i want to go on xbl sOO bad>,<
Cheeze and Pie:3I will gladly tell you the minimint story.
(Elite1o0:) one sex, colouring my shoes(Elite1o0:) sec*
(A_coathanger:)sex shoes (Minimint:)Call dibs onsig:3