Added Split to the enemies. One of their members were acting like an asshole, kicking me from his server, calling me a noob, resetting when I pwn him. Gosh.

EDIT: As well as Hunters. No particular reason, their leader wannin has no common sense.
Last edited by Virtue; Aug 13, 2009 at 04:06 PM.
master of the universe
We people of RWL would like to allie ourselves with the people of pandora we respect the clan and wanna have an orgy with them
He wants to have an orgy.

Clan Guru is confused.

Why this clan? What would their appeal be?
Maybe they can't resist Loje.

Know what you're talking about. What in the name of fuck is clan guru? Unless you can tell me what it is, I won't edit your posts like this. [: ~ Ard
Last edited by Virtue; Aug 14, 2009 at 10:56 AM.
Added a few more enemies, just to make things interesting. Also added a blacklist section for those individual assholes that make you angry.
xenmas there was a guy names dre123 who kept flaming me the kicking me and muting me want evidence ill get some
(>^-^)>(lick it) <.<(wtf?) *-*(uhh)*-*(lick wat?)
mess with the best die like the rest [pandora]
Originally Posted by Xenmas View Post
Added a few more enemies, just to make things interesting.

So all the clans with over 2 words are our enemies? Such as:

Dead and Forgotten

German Metal Fighters

Soul clan

The Pie Clan

Twisted Metal

Universidad Toribash

Death Reapers

Brothers of Death

Klan Opposition

Like them?
Last edited by Virtue; Aug 15, 2009 at 04:57 AM.
master of the universe