Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by AlphasoniK View Post
Hey guys, I started working on Roo's head yesterday.
The mask is nearly done but we couldn't figure out what to make behind the mask.

You see, the problem is that hair looks fucked up ingame.
And why would a robot need a mask?

Roo came with the idea of "energy flow" lines on the head.
Maybe this is a good idea?
Geometry is easy to implement in there and the use of colour as well.
I'm not sure what that will look like on the head yet, though.

The formula for the set will be:
Relax=Mask colour and colour of all bodyparts.
Force=Background colour of the head and the colour of the torso
Blood=Details on the head

Hey Tim that heads are really FINE Liked it much.

I have sold the textures I wont be using and I've just bought the 512 head. So I'll soon send you what is my idea. Is a bit more complex than that of Roo and Nate but I know you will handle it relaxed.

So its 80k I need for legs and biceps. But I would also want the 512 textures for tricep and Thigh It will take a while though, unless you can make some textures and get the BIG tc for the clan.

Now this is cool if we're running economics for clan not just for someone. I really like that attitud, specially because we have been togheter for years now

Originally Posted by AlphasoniK View Post
Hey guys, I started working on Roo's head yesterday.
The mask is nearly done but we couldn't figure out what to make behind the mask.

You see, the problem is that hair looks fucked up ingame.
And why would a robot need a mask?

Roo came with the idea of "energy flow" lines on the head.
Maybe this is a good idea?
Geometry is easy to implement in there and the use of colour as well.
I'm not sure what that will look like on the head yet, though.

The formula for the set will be:
Relax=Mask colour and colour of all bodyparts.
Force=Background colour of the head and the colour of the torso
Blood=Details on the head

Here is what I have for Roo so far:


I have also started on Nate's texture:


I really like the first one, but the send one i'm not so crazy about. I just don't really like red and blue as much :3
Originally Posted by fat0ninja View Post
but the send one i'm not so crazy about. I just don't really like red and blue as much :3


Also, the blue does stand out oddly on the red a bit. I dunno.

▲ ▲
Tim, just so you know, my force is platinum, relax is amber, and blood is about to be quicksilver.

Or whatever colors your set you might make for me for USD in the future?

OLDA | Fr3styL | RL | T3AL
R.I.P [Pure] 356 Threads, 19,000 Posts.
Epic idea for the rest of the head; more masks!
Instead of one mask, I'll do three versions of the mask.


Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Originally Posted by AlphasoniK View Post
Epic idea for the rest of the head; more masks!
Instead of one mask, I'll do three versions of the mask.



Thats a great IDEA mate, I had it too, not about the geometrics though (I mean, square, triangle and circle). But do you know what could be REALLY COOL, to have the possibbility of "rotate" it as we want, also between matches LOL.

That means that 3 files of the head may be made. I'll give an example:

lets take the example you gave about square, triangle and circle mask in the same head. The head texture will then have Mask 1 (Triangle), Mask 2 (Circle) and Mask 3 (Square), and I want to have mask 2 as in the front. So I upload the file that is like this:

1|2|3 (3/2/1, if the user wants another order)

Then I feel I want another mask at the front, I want to rotate it, to the left let say, to have the Mask 1 in front, Mask 3 on the right, and mask 2 to the left, so I upload this file

3/1/2 (Or 2/1/3, " )

And when I want the head 3 in front, the file should be

2/3/1 (or 1/3/2 , " )

Understand? Is it to hard to make it? I'm not designer but my logic tell me that once you have the masks of the head ready, you can easily change the order to make this possible. Some detail make-up could be needed for each version but maybe not that much?

Aight!! CHeers
Last edited by Jahman; Jul 15, 2012 at 04:46 PM.

That's a great idea lol, had a mini stroke on the keyboard. This could be awesome, as long as it doesn't look cluttered.
OLDA | Fr3styL | RL | T3AL
R.I.P [Pure] 356 Threads, 19,000 Posts.
Dog's head is almost done.
I will need to send lifeforce to the mask that is on front, to show which mask is used.
I will do so by adding yellow eyes and yellow lifelines. I hope it will turn out good!
I will also add additional details like dirt, scratches and cracks, to make it look a bit more realistic.

I am thinking about changing the shading to make it look realistic.
I am thinking about adding hair (probably not).

Tell me what you think about it.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Originally Posted by AlphasoniK View Post
[CENTER]Dog's head is almost done.
I will need to send lifeforce to the mask that is on front, to show which mask is used.
I will do so by adding yellow eyes and yellow lifelines. I hope it will turn out good!
I will also add additional details like dirt, scratches and cracks, to make it look a bit more realistic.

I am thinking about changing the shading to make it look realistic.
I am thinking about adding hair (probably not).


That's just amazing! One thing I would is that the front mask should not have others overlaping it. I mean, in the last picture, you see that the mask on our left, the one with two red vertical stripes, is behind the one that has more red, and this one is behind the one that has de circle.

I think it will look better if the Active mask is on top, and the other two behind. For the rest, awesome!

Ah, about the hair... Hmm I think I wont be adding on mine, the masks looks really fine with the black background. Well thats my opinion.

Great job!
Last edited by Jahman; Jul 16, 2012 at 08:52 PM.