Endurance Onslaught 6.0
This clan seems to have a lot of potencial.
I might join this clan in about a week.
Ill think about it before quiting Fish
What do you guys think?
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
*Agree's with Ruki*
Leaving fish to join us is hopping
(oshi, i have done that too D: )
I just realised I have the stupidest name in the forum
Ill just stay in Fish, but Ill have you guys in mind if anything happens.
Ill stay with Fish until it dies.
Good Luck, we will stay in contact~

RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
But he's good overall :3
<Marco> and then Oblivion tried to sexually assault me
<Oblivion> and Marco wasn't surprised at all
Well , I think valid reasons won't hurt rite ?
<Marco> and then Oblivion tried to sexually assault me
<Oblivion> and Marco wasn't surprised at all
well but if fish is a dead clan its not that much of a hop.

I didnt even knew a clan called fish existed lol.
It's Mr.AkumaBeast for you! oh and...
Check my inventory if you wish to buy flames.