Annnnnnd here is Episode 5!

All comments in this thread will be mentioned; unless they are blatantly stupid like Nugget's (now deleted).
#Parrot wins

Also, you forgot about other staff like Lmod, Clan Mods, and Msquad
Really hard to even watch these videos though because of the absolute randomness and lack of organization. Get your shit together Kyure and Viddah.
[SmallBowl] [fallu] [Moop] [Parrot] [SkulFuk] [Icky] [Sassy]
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I think the titles should be based sorely off of what the content will hold. (not just pp rambles) Yeah though, the type content should be a little more predictable and focused.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
Are you planning on recruiting members that aren't from Inq? What is it about Inq members that makes you want to steal them all?
lol somewhat cute. anyways my question what is the biggest mistake in your life?
Chab>What a dead game
bgjames1>I like WhiteF719
Originally Posted by Nugget View Post
Kyure couldn't be any more of an egotistical asshole after becoming smod and establishing a clan named Perfect People
For fucks sake Kyure

In case this was missed

Also rip inq
If you're competing in the clan war thing (forgot what it's called), do you think you'll win or at least do well? c:
I completely agree with the episodes being actually focused on stuff, episode 4 and 5 were more forced than the other ones as I wasn't really ready, I even state that in the video.
We'll have some great topics in the next one, promise!

PM me if you need anything