Originally Posted by Chikyu View Post
Something weird is going on... on some maps my run technique works, but on others, it doesnt. Im using the same technique on this map as the one that works on my favorite, but it isnt on this map. Could it have to do with the friction on the ground or what? Advice needed!

This is most likely because you are using youtube run. Youtube run is a very simplified run and i would guess that you don't know your joints good enough to do anything else than follow the instructions the run uses. I prefeer you improvise.
|Opener by Xioi|#KillTheScootCork|
"Cool delfin med solglajjor" -Larfen
Mods wich start on a modded platform is always different with hight, if the tori is just 0,01 to high the youtube run or a standard run you always use will not work since it makes you dip the slightest wich changes your run. i'd personaly just improvise on every mod (wich i do) to prevent runs failing to often.
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
Can't download the file :/ "Adobe Reader could not open 'mat_pk_training (1).tbm because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged (for Example, it was sent as an email attachment and wasn't correctly decoded) if i'm using the wrong thing to open it with then i don't have the client required to open it with because i have tried all the options i have available to me i would love it if you could help me.
[LoP] [TF] [HaZZarD]
Thanks i have been playing for about 3 hours now and i cant make it over the first obstacle >.<without grabbing and even then >.<
[LoP] [TF] [HaZZarD]
Great mod as usual mata shame about the graphical glitches on the sides, taking 0.03/0.04 off the X value of the red parts would fix it without too much of a noticable lip.

9/10 will definately have a go when I get time.
- Blu -