Make mine .

First of all i have no clue when i started playing toribash as ive left and came back over 4 times. And each time i come back i do worst and worst.I found toribash when i used to smoke i was really high on my couch and was like man some physics games would do me good right now. So on to my best friend "Google" Thats were i found fun motion which is where i found toribash and some stupid ragdoll games that dont compare.Also i have a hidden identity that only some people now .I love to run more than fighting actually. I give out running lessons when im bored and make art. I suck at art. Im atm trying to save up 200k to put up a classic set a friend gave to me. Thats pretty much it about my tb life . Not getting in my RL because that would take too long.
Well since im in the council i shall post my story up

it started last year i was roaming through youtube look for how to make your own games until i saw sum guy wid glasses talk about how you can make up your own moves on a ggame called toribash it looked awsome so i try it out and iv bin playin toribash from since last year i was in couple clans but they all died out so this is my life on how i met toribash.
check my music out ( ) -Kehmis-
Wats vers le haut every body. Thats french for wats-up. My name is Mimz360 a.k.a d ultimate opprotunist a.k.a The Demon of Deception.I live in D.C. but I'm from Canada. I'm African-American..(not am also muslim if any 1 wants to know. Ok let me tell you about how i got into my first clan....So 1 nyt im with my buddy paul on T.B look for a clan recruit server, Then we see the Blind-Fury server.So I said lets try-out.We were tested by tigers.We both kept losing,then paul says lets give up they are 2 good.So paul goes to bed.Then i tried again and beat tigers in akido...only 2 find out i waz sappose 2 beat him in judo lol. But I beat him again, and got in. We changed name from Blind-fury to Court of madness(COM) and then to Skull-Baskers(SB), And now we are back to Blind-Fury...(hopefully 4ever lol).

........Until 1 day the Ldr left then others started leaving and the clan died (T-T).But on the same night i waz on the forums looking for a clan then i saw SIN. It sounded pretty kewl so i checked it out.I did an application...and i thought i waz gonna be rejected,but i got accepted by CarbonKing. And I also had Itachi88 to help me, caz men him made a kewl deal 1 day.....But dats it

Hit Me Up On
myspace:keefy (if u need email type
Originally Posted by MIMZ360 View Post
Wats vers le haut every body. Thats french for wats-up. My name is Mimz360 a.k.a d ultimate opprotunist a.k.a The Demon of Deception.I live in D.C. but I'm from Canada. I'm African-American..(not am also muslim if any 1 wants to know. Ok let me tell you about how i got into my first clan....So 1 nyt im with my buddy paul on T.B look for a clan recruit server, Then we see the Blind-Fury server.So I said lets try-out.We were tested by tigers.We both kept losing,then paul says lets give up they are 2 good.So paul goes to bed.Then i tried again and beat tigers in akido...only 2 find out i waz sappose 2 beat him in judo lol. But I beat him again, and got in. We changed name from Blind-fury to Court of madness(COM) and then to Skull-Baskers(SB), And now we are back to Blind-Fury...(hopefully 4ever lol).

........Until 1 day the Ldr left then others started leaving and the clan died (T-T).But on the same night i waz on the forums looking for a clan then i saw SIN. It sounded pretty kewl so i checked it out.I did an application...and i thought i waz gonna be rejected,but i got accepted by CarbonKing. And I also had Itachi88 to help me, caz men him made a kewl deal 1 day.....But dats it

Hit Me Up On
myspace:keefy (if u need email type

Dood, I'm in WV. :O
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

My story:
I was on my lame RAM-less computer trying to be the best hacker in the world by changing my IP and getting into a website where only russian ppl can get in ( :P )I was enjoying the thousands of games in there (CREEPY RUSSIANS) and suddenly I got through the word Online game thingy....I clicked,, made my 1st acc GoldenZen.... I was too cocky to end the tuto so I just got in the multiplayer directly...It took me one week after realising that I was the only noob not even capable of noob-clapping to know that I NEEDED the tuto.... I ended the tuto, 4 months later? I was a brown belt till I saw the compet. of the player of the year....I got excited and greedy . I cheated....(YES I CHEATED ) and eventually got banned till 06-09-2011... and then I finally tough of NEVER EVER cheating again and having a clean start, a good start, enigmatically contradictory to my own self......EnigmaXen.
Where is all the passion we had... and why does it all end as soon as it begins....
Here is my story. It was a dull and boring day on November desperate in looking in games to pass the time so I was in Facebook looking at the posts of my friends and a picture I saw it was a picture of a Stick man (I did not know what is ragdoll back then) standing in
T-position and I want to his profile and I saw so I clicked it and downloaded it. My first acc is ezangro90 a noobish but fast learner.
The tut for me was pointless so for one week I was just in freeplay doing lots of noob claps
but one day I could not believe that my friend is chez (classmate) ! So I ask if we can fight
and he said ok so we fought but I lost. I trained on after that fight but my first specialty was aikido but from time on then It was judo and then after time to time I got more skillful but the most things i can do are decaps and then chez made me a chez apprentice.

my old acc ezangro90,KitPhox,and know KitTiger. the 1st is hacked the 2nd I was too bored to play it and know my 3rd acc a sweet loving huggable dangerous funny commentating fun and awesome toriplayer.
OMG a kitfox fan scary

Anyway my story,
One day my brother (dousche) was playing on the computer... I walked in and got on the Xbox 360.
He got up and i looked at the screen and saw a game called toribash...
So i got up, Got on my laptop and downloaded it, this was around December 2008, or January 2009.
I registered my first account I can't remember the name, Then i got bored and registered another one
Airstrike3, I got online and was owning in twinswords.
Then about a month later my brother hated Tb and gave me his account
Drewreapzu, i got on that and got bored.... :P.
I got back on airstrike3, I bought a booster, my grandma was stupid and declined the charge and he got banned for credit card fraud.
So i created an account called Airstrike6
I meant someone named Timmartin
and me and him started a clan Armadon or something like that,
I played through got in trouble met Someone named:
Crash3r and i joined his clan MFR met some great freinds... quit that clan.....
about a year after i quit Armadon, I met up with Timmartin and the rest of the clan, i joined and we ran the clan until about 4 months later when it died, took a 3 month break if your adding this up should be about August 2010, months later i applied for a clan called Parrot and i withdrew it, i joined piratez, Met up with Carbonking and he invited me to this clan so i joined.
Last edited by airstrike6; Jan 2, 2011 at 06:03 AM.
omg hi

im itachi88
i change name 2 kyou
forum get hak
i get nam change bak
i wast 100k
i stil not get reply frum skulfuk
im almost masterbelt
i was originelly hampa but evry1 wud folow me so i mad a new acc so i cud get away
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up