I was looking for this thread, and some Azuma random fag changed the thread's title so, the activity check still on, people who didn't posted here, post into 24h or will be removed from memberlist/allies.

Still awaiting for PsyTrance, Tengo(man) and Kristis133' confirmation, however, PsyTrance never posted on the whole board before.

K, done, removed PsyTrance, kristis133 and Tengo from member/allies list, thanks you all for posting.
Last edited by Milk; Jun 11, 2011 at 11:10 PM.
parai com activamento de coutinho decunfiado com estraça que brila enquanto rebolade de carro do pinto do nada
Now im inactive because i started my new set...
I still reading thread and clan news everydays, just don't have many time to post.
~ [Tribe]Shade ~
Starting Sunday, I'll be inactive till next week on Saturday, maybe longer. Just gotta make a heads up post.
ಠ_ರೃ - "Quite so, good sir."
Will be inactive for this summer huehueheuheue

But no seriously, I will. Leaving to England next week for nearly a month, we'll see how I have time to come say hai on irc
I won't be able to come online from June 30th to July 5th, because day 30 I'll have my final exam and go to the theatre watch a comedy show, and after this go to the beach for a school field trip. Gonna be awesome, I'll take some pics and perhaps put it in the show yourself thread :3

For the rest of July, though, I will be even more active than usual, that is, if I don't plan to go on any other trips during that month.
Last edited by Wolf; Jun 27, 2011 at 07:07 PM.
Roses are orange, violets are green, I am colorblind and can't rhyme.
Active! I check the clan forum often. I'll usually check it at least once every 1 or 2 days.

Edit - wolf - ok, thx.
Last edited by Markofo; Jun 27, 2011 at 11:45 PM.
Hey Mark, this thread is only for announcing inactivity. Unless you've posted here informing us otherwise, we will assume you are in normal activity.
Roses are orange, violets are green, I am colorblind and can't rhyme.