Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
Everyone has misunderstood my meaning on the bottleneck point. I simply meant that with the budget he had, something was going to have to not be top notch, and would end up being a bottleneck for the entire system (even if that point is still very high). I was suggesting that the GPU be that component since it will be cheaper and easier to replace down the road than a CPU would be.

1080 cost os about $650 while the 1070 cost is about $450 (give or take)
That's a $200 difference.

An i5-6600k is ~$240 while the i7-6700k is $330
How is the GPU cheaper to replace rather than the CPU?

If he ends up buying a 1070 + a 1080, that's about $1100 in hardware total.
If he buys an i5-6600k + an i7-6700k, that's only $570 in hardware total. I think you really need to learn how to save money, I feel bad for you lol.
[SmallBowl] [fallu] [Moop] [Parrot] [SkulFuk] [Icky] [Sassy]
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I don't see how are these arguments any relevant to the build at this point. The graphics card will be top notch for YEARS ahead whether it's 1080 or 1070, so I don't see why would he EVER in his life need to go from 1070 to 1080. This is just stupid comparison because you assume that he will need to buy both when he can easily wait out with the 1070 for the new generation of GPUs.
All this bullshit aside I think the build is good now as it is, nothing is over the board. These guys will probably go back and forth whether u need i5 or i7, 1070 or 1080 and so on. I suggest you to just do your research, find out capabilities and differences between each other and decide on yourself whether you really need that extra boost that 1080 provides.
Basically what Smaguris said. Different people are going to suggest different things, but at the end of the day, it's your build. I only gave advice on what I would do if I was in your situation.

@panda: those prices won't be static, they'll drop as newer products come out, and by the time he will actually need to update his GPU, the 1080 won't be the best product anymore. But my important bit is that GPUs are the hot, quickly developing technology right now, so there's not much sense in getting one of the best products out there when it won't be that way for very long.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
i'm kind of tired of adding the same thing, i can spend some money i don't care about saving i just want the best i can get, my maximum is 2k but if i can get 100 fps on open world games that're hard to run i don't need to waste more money.

Originally Posted by BigDog View Post
i'm kind of tired of adding the same thing, i can spend some money i don't care about saving i just want the best i can get, my maximum is 2k but if i can get 100 fps on open world games that're hard to run i don't need to waste more money.


Fair enough. If you've got the money, pull the trigger dude. You wont be disappointed with that build.
Yea, that build is honestly perfectly fine.
I'm not too sure how well/quite that cpu cooler is but I'd assume it'd be fine.

If you're wanting to overclock your CPU though, I would probably invest in a watercooled unit. But you don't have to really. Should still be able to overclock the CPU a little bit with the fan cooler. And overclocking doesn't add "that much" performance to your CPU but it does add a little bit.
[SmallBowl] [fallu] [Moop] [Parrot] [SkulFuk] [Icky] [Sassy]
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In regard to the CPU cooler, I know /r/pcmr have been pushing the Cryorig H7 as of recent in place of the 212 Evo. I believe it is quieter and cheaper.

Also as DruggedPanda said, do you realize that the K on CPU means it is able to be overclocked? Is that something you're in to, because if not then you can get a non K CPU and a more basic motherboard.
get a gtx 1080, don't get a cpu thats not unlocked, don't get a more basic motherboard

as for the cooler, i have the same one. it was a bitch to install, but i don't find the noise to be that loud unless i'm rendering(with open back headphones with the tower like 2 feet away from me.) it keeps my temperatures fine

the 1080/6700k combo is really good, but i still don't get 100+ in a lot of games at 1080p, what games are you trying to play?

no graphics card will forever be the best graphics card, it's dumb to think that. i bought mine with the expectation that i won't have to upgrade for a very long time, and it'll last longer than a gtx 1070. if you actually wanted the best, you'd drop more than a grand on a titan
I use the same cooler too. Basically what cat said it is quite difficult to install because it's wiggling from side to side and can really mess you up spreading thermal paste over your hands and what not. U might want to get some help while installing that one, but other than that it's as silent as it could be even at a maximum speed